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18 events by user rwilson occurring around 2009-12-10 02:19:16.

22:10:29 * [97789f0a92] clean up a few compiler warnings (user: rwilson, tags: trunk)
18:16:42 * Ticket a09798ba9e Bug in ipPrefix (Check-in 86cbb69af2)? status still Open with 2 other changes (user: rwilson)
18:05:26 * Ticket 551270ceb4 fossil commit to trigger the sending of email ? status still Open with 1 other change (user: rwilson)
22:53:57 * New ticket 3713cea2fc failed assertion on revert *.*. (user: rwilson)
19:06:05 * Ticket 1208d60f31 TEST Fossil databse currupt after opening it up in notepad status still Open with 2 other changes (user: rwilson)
02:25:45 * [5bccc5a526] reserve the use of brackets in stdout for artifacts (user: rwilson, tags: trunk)

02:19:16 * [6ae51190cc] reserve the use of brackets in stdout for artifacts (user: rwilson, tags: trunk)

19:02:04 * Open ticket 974618fe5a: fossil all rebuild does redundant rebuilds on windows plus 2 other changes (user: rwilson)
... 1 similar event omitted.
15:43:23 * [3275d9c63c] update makefile for win32 (user: rwilson, tags: trunk)
13:54:26 * New ticket 36cb6b45fd in windows, fossil allows addition of the same file twice. (user: rwilson)
13:45:43 * Ticket b7fc3f0569 fossil clean --force doesn't remove empty directories status still Open with 3 other changes (user: rwilson)
... 2 similar events omitted.
17:57:12 * Ticket 329d51eb80 default ticket schema does not include "submitted by" status still Open with 1 other change (user: rwilson)