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Ticket UUID: 551270ceb48082eade082a38afa85de2a7071d0c
Title: fossil commit to trigger the sending of email ?
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2009-12-23 14:19:50
Version Found In: 4f24addea90ae08183c153b06f2fc72d4ebdd873
Description & Comments:
I can't find this feature is supported. if not please consider to implement the email sending triggering when there is a source code commit.

eric added on 2009-12-22 16:24:28:
Not as simple as it sounds. Fossil is distributed, there may be many repositories syncing with one another as auto-sync, manual sync, and external control such as cron jobs. A sync is a two-way exchange of anonymous artifacts. Which repository should send emails, when, to whom, and via which mail server?

rwilson added on 2009-12-22 18:05:26:
alternatively, you could monitor the RSS feed for commits.

anonymous added on 2009-12-23 14:19:50:
Thanks for the reply, I am closing this feature request for now.