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20 events occurring on or after 2009-12-20 17:53:20.

13:49:30 * New ticket a09798ba9e Bug in ipPrefix (Check-in 86cbb69af2)?. (user: anonymous)
00:11:21 * [86cbb69af2] Only record the first 16 bits of the 32-bit IP address as part of the anonymous login cookie. (user: drh, tags: trunk)
21:50:06 * Ticket e36b52c1da make wiki (code?, bugs?) searchable status still Open with 1 other change (user: anonymous)
18:20:41 * Fixed ticket aa8ba0fffa: Crash on "fossil info 1234" plus 2 other changes (user: drh)
18:19:38 * [9d3fe01ae3] Fix an invalid free() call that could occur when the "info" command was used with an invalid artifact ID. Ticket aa8ba0fffa. (user: drh, tags: trunk)
16:39:38 * New ticket aa8ba0fffa Crash on "fossil info 1234". (user: anonymous)
15:30:48 * [06b964a0cf] removed an extraneous pair of row/cell closing tags. Fixed TH tags which were closed with TD instead of TH. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
13:43:34 * [a388e9da2e] timeline descendants view now properly behaves when there are no descendents, and it also sigularizes the word 'descendents' when there is only one. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
11:27:44 * New ticket 7ffe8a6cee User registration. (user: anonymous)
14:50:41 * New ticket c66936089e timeline pagination. (user: anonymous)
14:12:55 * Ticket e36b52c1da make wiki (code?, bugs?) searchable status still Open with 1 other change (user: anonymous)
... 2 similar events omitted.
14:19:50 * Closed ticket 551270ceb4: fossil commit to trigger the sending of email ? plus 1 other change (user: anonymous)
... 3 similar events omitted.
00:46:47 * Ticket 6778fd3f4a Need a Branch Delete option status still Open with 2 other changes (user: chi)
21:34:51 * [4f24addea9] Fix a comment formatting error in the recent skins.c changes. (user: drh, tags: trunk)
17:53:20 * [5a5d7e1f90] Add a black & white skin with the main menu down the left margin. (user: drh, tags: trunk)