Check-in [589687d783]
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SHA1 Hash:589687d783c2e74de42b9969731d7342008ab348
Date: 2008-08-14 16:15:17
User: cle
Comment:Fix bug c858c4178b - at three places, the original checkin comment was taken from the repository. Only if there was no original checkin comment, the edited comment (ecomment) was fetched.

That logic seem wrong. As at all other cases, first the ecommend was fetched and only when that failed, the original comment was taken, I corrected the three places in code accordingly.

Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

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Modified src/info.c from [20f6da86e6] to [e23983e04c].    [diff]