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File tools/lib/cvs_sig.tcl part of check-in [72dac950c3] - Continued work on the import of branches. Main principle now is to handle the branches vertically. First the trunk, then the branch starting with the first unprocessed changeset, and so forth. Looks more promising than the previous approach. Currently handles just a bit over half of the test projects (11 of 21 in 6 repositories). by aku on 2007-09-26 05:06:18. [view]


File tools/lib/cvs_sig.tcl part of check-in [7a64b9e738] - CVS import. First, fixed sig::next regarding two things. One, we have to take the root version of a file into account as a possible predecessor. Two, a missing changed file may be misclassified and actually be added instead. Second, modified the search for a root changeset of a branch. We now try the existing regular intersection first for exactness, and in case of failure we fall back to a voting scheme to locate the most acceptable aka non-conflicting changeset. by aku on 2007-09-27 04:44:19. [view]

@@ -28,17 +28,34 @@
 proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::next {id added changed removed tag ts} {
     variable sig
     array set rev $sig($id)
+    #puts sig::next/$ts
     foreach {f r} [concat $changed $removed] {
-	if {![info exists rev($f)] || ![branch::successor $r $rev($f)]} {
+	if {![info exists rev($f)]}              {
+	    # A file missing in the candidate parent changeset is
+	    # _not_ a reason to reject it, at least not immediately.
+	    # The code generating the timeline entries has only
+	    # partial information and is prone to misclassify files
+	    # added to branches as changed instead of added. Thus we
+	    # move this file to the list of added things and check it
+	    # again as part of that, see below.
+	    lappend added $f $r
+	    continue
+	}
+	if {[branch::rootSuccessor $r $rev($f)]} continue
+	if {![branch::successor    $r $rev($f)]} {
+	    #puts "not-successor($r of $rev($f))"
 	    return 0
     if {[llength $added]} {
 	# Check that added files belong to the branch too!
 	if {$tag ne [branch::has $ts $added]} {
+	    #puts "not-added-into-same-branch"
 	    return 0
     return 1
@@ -81,8 +98,49 @@
 proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::Find {sig} {
     # Locate all changesets which contain the given signature.
+    # First we try to the exact changeset, by intersecting the
+    # live-intervals for all file revisions found in the
+    # signature. This however may fail, as CVS is able to contain
+    # a-causal branch definitions.
+    # Example: sqlite, branch "gdbm-branch".
+    # File 'db.c', branch 1.6.2, root 1.6, entered on Jan 31, 2001.
+    # Then 'dbbegdbm.c',  1.1.2, root 1.1, entered on Oct 19, 2000.
+    # More pertinent, revision 1.2 was entered Jan 13, 2001,
+    # i.e. existed before Jan 31, before the branchwas actually
+    # made. Thus it is unclear why 1.1 is in the branch instead.
+    # An alternative complementary question would be how db.c 1.6
+    # ended up in a branch tag created before Jan 13, when this
+    # revision did not exist yet.
+    # So, CVS repositories can be a-causal when it comes to branches,
+    # at least in the details. Therefore while try for an exact result
+    # first we do not fail if that fails, but use a voting scheme as
+    # fallback which answers the question about which changeset is
+    # acceptable to the most file revisions in the signature.
+    # Note that multiple changesets are ok at this level and are
+    # simply returned.
+    set res [Intersect $sig]
+    puts Exact=($res)
+    if {[llength $res]} { return $res }
+    set res [Vote $sig]
+    puts Vote=($res)
+    return $res
+proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::Intersect {sig} {
     variable csl
     set res {}
     set first 1
@@ -89,38 +147,57 @@
     foreach {f r} $sig {
 	#puts $f/$r?
 	# Unknown file not used anywhere
 	if {![info exists csl($f,$r)]} {return {}}
-	puts $f/$r\t=\t($csl($f,$r))*($res)/$first
+	#puts $f/$r\t=\t($csl($f,$r))*($res)/$first
 	if {$first} {
 	    set res $csl($f,$r)
 	    set first 0
 	    #puts F($res)
 	} else {
-	    set new [struct::set intersect $res $csl($f,$r)]
-	    set rv $r
-	    while {![llength $new]} {
-		# Assume that the problem file was added and as such
-		# does not exist yet at the root revision. However its
-		# root should exist, and some point.
-	       set rv [branch::revroot $rv]
-	       if {$rv eq ""} {
-		   puts BREAK/\t($f\ $r)
-		   exit
-	       }
-	       if {![info exists csl($f,$rv)]} {return {}}
-	       #puts $f/$r\t=\t($csl($f,$rv))
-	       set new [struct::set intersect $res $csl($f,$rv)]
-	    }
-	    set res $new
+	    set res [struct::set intersect $res $csl($f,$r)]
 	    #puts R($res)
-	    #if {![llength $res]} {return {}}
+	    if {![llength $res]} {return {}}
     return $res
+proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::Vote {sig} {
+    variable csl
+    # I. Accumulate votes.
+    array set v {}
+    foreach {f r} $sig {
+	# Unknown revisions do not vote.
+	if {![info exists csl($f,$r)]} continue
+	foreach c $csl($f,$r) {
+	    if {[info exists v($c)]} {
+		incr v($c)
+	    } else {
+		set v($c) 1
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # Invert index for easier finding the max, compute the max at the
+    # same time.
+    array set tally {}
+    set max -1
+    foreach {c n} [array get v] {
+	lappend tally($n) $c
+	if {$n > $max} {set max $n}
+    }
+    #parray tally
+    puts Max=$max
+    # Return the changesets having the most votes.
+    return $tally($max)
 proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::DictSort {dict} {
     array set a $dict
     set r {}