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Artifact 41da9ebbf91df4a1e9519f119e17657754b34ed1

File tools/lib/cvs_sig.tcl part of check-in [72dac950c3] - Continued work on the import of branches. Main principle now is to handle the branches vertically. First the trunk, then the branch starting with the first unprocessed changeset, and so forth. Looks more promising than the previous approach. Currently handles just a bit over half of the test projects (11 of 21 in 6 repositories). by aku on 2007-09-26 05:06:18.

package require struct::set
package require vc::cvs::ws::branch

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::branch {
    namespace import ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::*

# Save the mapping from changesets to file/rev signatures, and further
# remember all the csets a specific file/rev combination belongs to.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::def {id parent added changed removed} {
    variable sig
    variable csl

    array set new $sig($parent)
    array set new $added
    array set new $changed
    foreach {f r} $removed {catch {unset new($f)}}
    set sig($id) [DictSort [array get new]]

    foreach {f r} [array get new] {
	lappend csl($f,$r) $id

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::next {id added changed removed tag ts} {
    variable sig
    array set rev $sig($id)

    foreach {f r} [concat $changed $removed] {
	if {![info exists rev($f)] || ![branch::successor $r $rev($f)]} {
	    return 0

    if {[llength $added]} {
	# Check that added files belong to the branch too!
	if {$tag ne [branch::has $ts $added]} {
	    return 0
    return 1

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::find {id sig} {
    set cslist [Cut $id [Find $sig]]

    if {[llength $cslist] < 1} {
	puts "NO ROOT"
	# Deal how?
	# - Abort
	# - Ignore this changeset and try the next one
	#   (Which has higher probability of not matching as it might
	#    be the successor in the branch to this cset and not a base).
    } elseif {[llength $cslist] > 1} {
	puts "AMBIGOUS. Following csets match root requirements:"
	# Deal how? S.a.
	puts \t[join $cslist \n\t]

    set r [lindex $cslist 0]
    #puts "ROOT = $r"
    return $r

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::Cut {id cslist} {
    # Changesets have to be before id! This makes for another
    # intersection, programmatic.

    set res {}
    foreach c $cslist {
	if {$c >= $id} continue
	lappend res $c
    return $res

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::Find {sig} {
    # Locate all changesets which contain the given signature.
    variable csl

    set res {}
    set first 1
    foreach {f r} $sig {
	#puts $f/$r?
	# Unknown file not used anywhere
	if {![info exists csl($f,$r)]} {return {}}
	puts $f/$r\t=\t($csl($f,$r))*($res)/$first

	if {$first} {
	    set res $csl($f,$r)
	    set first 0
	    #puts F($res)
	} else {
	    set new [struct::set intersect $res $csl($f,$r)]
	    set rv $r
	    while {![llength $new]} {
		# Assume that the problem file was added and as such
		# does not exist yet at the root revision. However its
		# root should exist, and some point.

	       set rv [branch::revroot $rv]
	       if {$rv eq ""} {
		   puts BREAK/\t($f\ $r)
	       if {![info exists csl($f,$rv)]} {return {}}
	       #puts $f/$r\t=\t($csl($f,$rv))
	       set new [struct::set intersect $res $csl($f,$rv)]
	    set res $new
	    #puts R($res)
	    #if {![llength $res]} {return {}}
    return $res

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::DictSort {dict} {
    array set a $dict
    set r {}
    foreach k [lsort [array names a]] {
	lappend r $k $a($k)
    return $r

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::sig {
    variable  sig ; # cset id -> signature
    array set sig {{} {}}
    variable  csl ; # file x rev -> list (cset id)
    array set csl {}

    namespace export def find next

package provide vc::cvs::ws::sig 1.0