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File src/schema.c part of check-in [c66ffba6da] - Add missing comma in CREATE TABLE vfile ... by eric on 2008-11-10 19:54:53. [view]


File src/schema.c part of check-in [024859fff2] - Provide a default ticket report format: "All Tickets". Ticket 86eb5f92f5 by drh on 2008-11-26 02:03:44. [view]

@@ -146,8 +146,28 @@
 @    title text,              -- Title of this report
 @    cols text,               -- A color-key specification
 @    sqlcode text             -- An SQL SELECT statement for this report
 @ );
+@ INSERT INTO reportfmt(title,cols,sqlcode) VALUES('All Tickets','#ffffff Key:
+@ #f2dcdc Active
+@ #e8e8e8 Review
+@ #cfe8bd Fixed
+@ #bde5d6 Tested
+@ #cacae5 Deferred
+@ #c8c8c8 Closed','SELECT
+@   CASE WHEN status IN (''Open'',''Verified'') THEN ''#f2dcdc''
+@        WHEN status=''Review'' THEN ''#e8e8e8''
+@        WHEN status=''Fixed'' THEN ''#cfe8bd''
+@        WHEN status=''Tested'' THEN ''#bde5d6''
+@        WHEN status=''Deferred'' THEN ''#cacae5''
+@        ELSE ''#c8c8c8'' END AS ''bgcolor'',
+@   substr(tkt_uuid,1,10) AS ''#'',
+@   datetime(tkt_mtime) AS ''mtime'',
+@   type,
+@   status,
+@   subsystem,
+@   title
+@ FROM ticket');
 @ -- Some ticket content (such as the originators email address or contact
 @ -- information) needs to be obscured to protect privacy.  This is achieved
 @ -- by storing an SHA1 hash of the content.  For display, the hash is