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Differences From:

File src/db.c part of check-in [8bdea95c58] - Allow the "_FOSSIL_" file at the root of each check-out to be renamed ".fos". At some point we might make .fos the default, but for now _FOSSIL_ is the default. The file can be freely changed between these two names. by drh on 2008-10-24 11:14:57. [view]


File src/db.c part of check-in [2c3b20efff] - Make the "settings" command work with the -R option. Fix for ticket 5162d999af. by drh on 2008-10-24 14:05:03. [view]

@@ -1281,11 +1281,11 @@
   int globalFlag = find_option("global","g",0)!=0;
   int unsetFlag = g.argv[1][0]=='u';
   if( !g.repositoryOpen ){
-    db_open_config();
     globalFlag = 1;
+  db_open_config();
   if( unsetFlag && g.argc!=3 ){
     usage("PROPERTY ?-global?");
   if( g.argc==2 ){