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Ticket UUID: 5162d999af8adb67bdd6799bc89310b5aaab431d
Title: error trying to retrieve settings
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: one Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2008-10-24 14:06:28
Version Found In: fossil-linux-x86-b3ee50c946
Description & Comments:
Create a new repository:

fossil new fossil-test

Try to retrieve settings:

fossil setting -R fossil-test


fossil: no such table: global_config SELECT '(local)', value FROM config WHERE name='autosync' UNION ALL SELECT '(global)', value FROM global_config WHERE name='autosync'

drh added on 2008-10-24 14:06:28:
Fixed by check-in 2c3b20efff