Send commands from an external process
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2005-08-26, Svenn Bjerkem: I am running tkoutline 0.93 on unix and wonder if there is a way to send a tkd file to an already existing tkoutline process from the command line. I use midnight commander and have included an entry in the extension file for tkd, the problem is just that I have a new instance of tkoutline every time I open a tkd file. Maybe this kind of feature must be built into tkoutline and then use client / server technology like nedit and gnuserver do.

Brian Theado - This should be pretty easy to do using the comm package from tcllib 1. On unix, the send command 2 is builtin to Tk and it could probably be used.

I don't have experience using send, but I have used comm before.

Using comm you could put some code in your startup script that starts comm listening (using the option that restricts connections to only localhost) and store the comm id that you are listening with in some well-known place. Then in a separate Tcl script, lookup and connect to that id and send the appropriate tkoutline command to open the file.

I'll have to come back to this--hopefully in the next week.