The functionality below is present in Tkoutline 0.93 and later. By default export to html gives list items. With the
tree set root maxHeader 4
trick, the first 4 levels are output as html headers and any deeper levels are output as list items.
20-Aug-03 Laurent Duperval - Here is a quick hack for mapping levels to headings. It shows one way of doing it. The maxHeader is hard-coded here, but it could conceivable be an option for the document, that is carried along with the outline. I haven't looked at how this could be done elegantly.
Same day Brian Theado - I changed your
set maxHeader 4
set maxHeader -1 if {$tree keyexists root -key maxHeader} { set maxHeader $tree set root -key maxHeader }
Now it isn't hard coded and the value will be carried along with the outline. If you want a value of 4 for a particular outline then execute the following in the console (<F2>) while your outline is active:
tree set root -key maxHeader 4
Thanks for the modified code, Laurent. I will include this in the next release of tkoutline.
proc treeToHtml {tree} { set html {} append html "<html><head></head><body>" set bulletType bullet if {$tree keyexists root -key bulletType} { set bulletType $tree set root -key bulletType } set maxHeader -1 if {$tree keyexists root -key maxHeader} { set maxHeader $tree set root -key maxHeader } if {$bulletType == "bullet"} { set listTag "ul" } else { set listTag "ol" } $tree walk root -order both -command { switch %a { enter { if {%t depth %n <= $maxHeader} { append html "<h%t depth %n>%t set %n</h%t depth %n>" } else { if {%t depth %n != 0} { append html "<li>%t set %n\n" } if {!%t isleaf %n} { append html "<$listTag>\n" } } } leave { if {!%t isleaf %n} { append html "</$listTag>\n" } } } } append html "</body></html>" return $html }