Disable backup file functionality
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2005-08-26 SEH : I would prefer that tkoutline NOT create the backup file with the tilde at the end of the name when saving files. Is there an easy way to turn that function off?

Brian Theado - this isn't configurable and you can easily add some code to your startup script to get this functionality turned off. The existing version of the function ::tkoutline::SaveTreeToFile looks like:

 proc ::tkoutline::saveTreeToFile {tree fileName} {
    if {file exist $fileName} {
        file delete $fileName~
        file copy $fileName $fileName~
    set nestedList treeconvert::treeToListMultiLine $tree
    set f open $fileName w
    puts $f $nestedList
    close $f

You can replace it by adding the following in your startup script:

 proc ::tkoutline::saveTreeToFile {tree fileName} {
    set nestedList treeconvert::treeToListMultiLine $tree
    set f open $fileName w
    puts $f $nestedList
    close $f

That will disable backup file creation.

If you are doing fun things with tkoutline and your wonderful VFS implementations, I'd love to hear about it.

See also: Change backup file functionality