John Buckman requests the following additional expand/collapse functionality for which I'm guessing what he means:
- current - If the current node is expanded, then collapse it and set the state of all descedents to collapsed. Opposite for when the current node is collapsed.
- all - Apply either expand or collapse to every node in the outline.
- to-level - Set the expand/collapse state such that nodes deeper than a certain level are collapsed but shallower nodes are expanded.
Brian Theado - 04May03 - As of version 0.91 some of this functionality was added. It is available via the Outline menu as well as via Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9 and Alt-0 through Alt-9. The menu picks aren't worded very well. I'm the one who wrote the functionality and the wording isn't good enough for me to remember exactly what it does. I have to actually try it out to figure out what it does. If anyone has suggestions for improvement, let me know.
Here's a bit of documentation for the keystrokes:
- Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9: Make it so that any node lower than global level n is hidden and any node at or above level n is visible.
- Alt-0 through Alt-9: Make it so any node n levels lower or less than the current node are visible and any nodes more than n level lower than the current node are hidden. This doesn't apply globally, only to descendants of the current node.
- Ctrl-`: Any node in the outline with a lower level than the current node will be hidden
After having written the above, I can see it needs reworked. I don't use the functionality much and haven't noticed the limitations before now
Some comments from the Tkoutline discussion page:
Bryan Ogawa requests "a keybinding to toggle expand of the current bullet versus just hide for the current Control-`"
I replied: This can currently be done with Alt-0/Alt-1, but it is probably easier to have a single keystroke so you don't have to think about whether you are expanding or collapsing.
Jon Schull chips in: I'd recommend keystrokes that increment or decrement "Show levels below current". (MSWord has this and its very versatile because you can apply it globally to top nodes as well as locally, and you can just hold down a key to collapse or expand all the way .)
Jon, could you provide more details on what the keybindings are and how msword behaves?
Jon Schull The commands are accessed via the Outlining Toolbar as + and - buttons. They can also be bound to keystrokes via
Tools|Customize|Keyboard|View|Outline Expand
Tools|Customize|Keyboard|View|Outline Collapse
I use 'ctl-k' and 'ctl-h' for kollapse and expand, and 'ctrl-e' and 'ctrl-x' for up and down. So without lifting my control finger, I can do everything I want to do....
Basically, these commands "retract" or "extend" a hierarchy's outermost leaf. Its easier to see and do than to describe.
Brian Theado - OK. I played around with Word's +/- buttons. Here's a description of what I observed:
- For +, starting from the current headline find all the shallowest collapsed descendents and expand them by one level.
- For -, starting from the current headline find all the deepest expanded descendents and collapse them.�