Changes To Reference
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@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
 Any fossil command is acceptable once enough of it has been
 entered to make the intent unambiguous.  'clo' is a proper prefix of
 both the 'clone' and 'close' commands, for instance, but 'clon' is
 enough to make the intent—the 'clone' command—unambiguous.
-<code>fossil help</code><nowiki><pre>
+You should probably start interacting with fossil at the command line
+by asking it what it can do:
+<code>$ fossil help</code><nowiki><pre>
 Usage: fossil help COMMAND.
 Available COMMANDs:
 add            commit         http           rebuild        tag
 all            configuration  info           reconstruct    timeline
 cgi            deconstruct    leaves         redo           ui
@@ -35,10 +38,17 @@
 clean          extra          open           settings       user
 clone          gdiff          pull           status         version
 close          help           push           sync           wiki
 This is fossil version [c6a9e4ed41] 2008-11-04 12:13:09 UTC
+<b>What follows</b> is a survey of what you get if you type
+<code>fossil&nbsp;help&nbsp;<i>command</i></code> for all of the
+commands listed above.  There are links to individual pages for each
+of them; pages with content (not all of them are done) go into the command
+in a bit more depth than the program help.
 Usage: </nowiki><code>[fossil add]</code><nowiki> FILE...
 Make arrangements to add one or more files to the current checkout
 at the next commit.