Changes To Auto-completion
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@@ -13,5 +13,28 @@
 It would be nice if we could develop and maintain a file that would enable this for fossil when copied to /etc/bash_completion.d (system wide) or sourced in .bashrc. I do not know if this can be made in a portable (or at least automated) manner at all.
 Would attach the /etc/bash_completion.d/subversion file as example, but can't - and it's a bit too long to include here
+<hr><i>On 2008-02-10 17:17:18 UTC anonymous added:</i><br />
+Fossil only needs enough of a command to make it unique, e.g.
+eric@tasso:~$ fossil h
+fossil: ambiguous command prefix: h
+fossil: use "help" for more information
+eric@tasso:~$ fossil he
+Usage: fossil help COMMAND.
+Available COMMANDs:
+add          close        gdiff        new          revert       timeline
+branch       commit       help         open         rm           undo
+cgi          deconstruct  http         pull         server       update
+changes      del          info         push         settings     user
+checkout     descendents  leaves       rebuild      status
+clean        diff         ls           reconstruct  sync
+clone        extra        merge        redo         tag
+This is fossil version [e487b77b1a] 2008-02-04 02:45:55