History Of Ticket 869729204ab5e201064d4f3208c805cad94f89a0
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Ticket change [871a6d7caa] (rid 5495) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:27:23:
  1. Change resolution to "Open"
  2. Change severity to "Important"
  3. Change status to "Open"
  4. Change type to "Feature_Request"
Ticket change [59d002c3e7] (rid 5494) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:26:07:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous claiming to be Dmitry Chestnykh added on 2009-10-23 06:26:07:
    There's a discussion currently in mail list about UI changes and an option to rm missing files automatically (see home page for links). Let's discuss it there and come back to file a feature request for agreed changes.

Ticket change [0babe62eaf] (rid 5493) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:25:43:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous claiming to be Dmitry Chestnykh added on 2009-10-23 06:25:43:
    There's a discussion currently in mail list about UI changes and an option to rm missing files automatically (see home page for links). Let's discuss it there and come back to file a feature request for agreed changes.

Ticket change [f54a5d7b59] (rid 5492) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:25:03:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous claiming to be Dmitry Chestnykh added on 2009-10-23 06:25:03:
    There's a discussion currently in mail list about UI changes and an option to rm missing files automatically (see home page for links). Let's discuss it there and come back to file a feature request for agreed changes.

Ticket change [cae578cd17] (rid 5491) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:22:08:
  1. Change status to "Closed"
Ticket change [9e6b32c893] (rid 5490) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:21:38:
  1. Change resolution to "Not_A_Bug"
Ticket change [68156e6dc0] (rid 5489) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:14:11:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous added on 2009-10-23 06:14:11:
    for what reason fossil does not do it automatically?

Ticket change [e911262df7] (rid 5488) by anonymous on 2009-10-23 06:13:30:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous added on 2009-10-23 06:13:30:
    for what reason fossil does not do it automatically?

Ticket change [de3ca4ef8f] (rid 5485) by anonymous on 2009-10-22 14:01:22:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous claiming to be Dmitry Chestnykh added on 2009-10-22 14:01:22:
    Use fossil rm FILENAME to remove it.

Ticket change [e18d653bc0] (rid 5484) by anonymous on 2009-10-22 12:39:56:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous added on 2009-10-22 12:39:56:
    Sorry, "fossil clean" at all has to it no relation.

Ticket change [a378ed7b5f] (rid 5483) by anonymous on 2009-10-22 12:35:47:
  1. Appended to comment:

    anonymous added on 2009-10-22 12:35:47:
    "fossil clean" not the necessary variant since besides a file "/Disco/agent/Win32-Release/rpcagent.exe" he suggests to remove all files from the catalogue "/Disco/" (and in rep I store while only the catalogue "/Disco/agent/")

  2. Change resolution to "Open"
Ticket change [5fff9ea8aa] (rid 5481) by anonymous on 2009-10-22 12:00:55:
  1. Change comment to "If a file in local tree have removed, at commit stands out: fossil: no such file: /home/napa3um/workspace/Disco/agent/Win32-Release/rpcagent.exe"
  2. Change severity to "Critical"
  3. Change status to "Open"
  4. Change title to "Fossil does not trace file removal."
  5. Change type to "Code_Defect"