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5 events by user Jeremy occurring around 2009-12-09 22:05:46.

23:26:03 * [137d653a06] Found two more places that fQuiet should have been checked. (user: jeremy_c, tags: trunk)
23:18:54 * [dccd27c6da] Added a global command line argument named -quiet. This will suppress some output (currently during sync) for those interfacing fossil with various development tools. It does not make eliminate all output, only the output that is meant for fancy display to the user on a console. You can now use this new flag anywhere by referencing if (!g.fQui... (user: jeremy_c, tags: trunk)

22:05:46 * [fb1fa7f1a6] Make it easier to do out of source builds by optionally including config.mak or config.w32. (user: jeremy_c, tags: trunk)