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22 events by user stephan occurring around 2009-12-07 18:34:04.

15:30:48 * [06b964a0cf] removed an extraneous pair of row/cell closing tags. Fixed TH tags which were closed with TD instead of TH. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
13:43:34 * [a388e9da2e] timeline descendants view now properly behaves when there are no descendents, and it also sigularizes the word 'descendents' when there is only one. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
16:27:22 * [18a66ab32b] accommodated brackets/parens conventions change introduced in #6ae51190cc (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
16:14:55 * [93efce820b] corrected some mis-placed code from commit #9517cc7486 (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
15:49:41 * [9517cc7486] added -M/--message-file FILENAME argument for commit. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
10:10:04 * [083cad82ff] rolled back my last commit for stripping P tags around UL/OL, which had broken logic. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
22:42:42 * [00b778bd58] Added new config option with the rather unwieldy name 'anon-login-enable-captcha-filler' (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
22:29:33 * [239139a907] added second half of fix in #6f0df6c741 (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
21:53:00 * [50a372c1e5] fixed a couple missing closing quotes (they screw up emacs' highlighting) (user: stephan, tags: trunk)

18:34:04 * [6009ff325f] changed a two-part/closed BR tag to avoid a warning from HTML syntax verifiers. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)

14:44:18 * Ticket 5a13dbd275 add and ci/commit are inconsistent wrt "*" handling status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)
14:42:29 * Ticket eed6d07c6e Non-ASCII characters not allowed in wiki page titles status still Open with 2 other changes (user: stephan)
14:39:04 * Ticket 5125de2e62 Enable type of file (extension) to be ignored (e.g. *.OBJ) status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)
13:36:33 * New ticket e4da774beb incorrect quote handling for HTML tag elements. (user: stephan)
12:07:44 * Ticket 6981de95b6 Makefile for OpenSolaris is not correct status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)
22:12:18 * Changes to wiki page Cookbook (user: stephan)
22:05:59 * [4ba7b9c288] Leaf Added 'achtung' CSS class to the Preview label, to make it more obvious (but i still think the preview should arguably be below the editor (but could be convinced otherwise)). (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
16:13:56 * [5e8fb35db1] minor help text correction for 'wiki' command (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
09:05:15 * Ticket a5fba652a6 remote `fossil clone` failed status still Open with 2 other changes (user: stephan)
23:17:18 * [bab8363876] timeline command now supports a ?-t|--type TYPE? option to filter on specific event types. Fixed a memleak in the timeline command. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)