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22 events by user kejoki occurring around 2008-11-25 19:23:57.

21:55:46 * [1eb067d456] Adjust some wikilinks, clean up main ref page, add "new" command. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
20:25:41 * [83447b7bf1] Change the add command CLI doc to reflect recursive add of directories. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
15:53:26 * Ticket 1f1e1f7a4c Client menu option hangs status still Open with 2 other changes (user: kejoki)
20:01:53 * Ticket 70dd027135 "View Ticket" needs creator status still Open with 1 other change (user: kejoki)
... 1 similar event omitted.
19:39:06 * Tested ticket 3d72784be3: re testing plus 2 other changes (user: kejoki)
... 1 similar event omitted.
19:27:16 * Closed ticket 8e20a6f5d1: testing a feature request fix. plus 2 other changes (user: kejoki)
19:26:21 * Closed ticket 9b7cb0d906: another test plus 2 other changes (user: kejoki)
19:25:11 * Ticket 19a9ca8a7f one more time status still Tested with 2 other changes (user: kejoki)

19:23:57 * Tested ticket 19a9ca8a7f: one more time plus 1 other change (user: kejoki)

17:50:58 * New ticket 19a9ca8a7f one more time. (user: kejoki)
04:31:56 * Ticket 8e20a6f5d1 testing a feature request fix. status still Open with 3 other changes (user: kejoki)
... 1 similar event omitted.
16:20:42 * [f0720ef5f1] "forward out" the "log in to see links" message in index.wiki (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
15:09:00 * [5ebaac3dd4] Modified index.wiki a little less. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
10:12:55 * [927da3300f] Added some text to index.wiki pointing new users at anonymous login to see links. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
17:24:26 * [f8835f7365] added documentation plan, just so I can ask myself "What was I thinking?" later. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
16:55:14 * [d14adf1032] Merge Merge src & doc leaves back. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)
17:11:29 * [6d6959b47d] Initial doc for update. (user: kejoki, tags: trunk)