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22 events by user stephan occurring around 2008-11-18 08:13:50.

14:42:29 * Ticket eed6d07c6e Non-ASCII characters not allowed in wiki page titles status still Open with 2 other changes (user: stephan)
14:39:04 * Ticket 5125de2e62 Enable type of file (extension) to be ignored (e.g. *.OBJ) status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)
13:36:33 * New ticket e4da774beb incorrect quote handling for HTML tag elements. (user: stephan)
12:07:44 * Ticket 6981de95b6 Makefile for OpenSolaris is not correct status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)
22:12:18 * Changes to wiki page Cookbook (user: stephan)
22:05:59 * [4ba7b9c288] Leaf Added 'achtung' CSS class to the Preview label, to make it more obvious (but i still think the preview should arguably be below the editor (but could be convinced otherwise)). (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
16:13:56 * [5e8fb35db1] minor help text correction for 'wiki' command (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
09:05:15 * Ticket a5fba652a6 remote `fossil clone` failed status still Open with 2 other changes (user: stephan)
23:17:18 * [bab8363876] timeline command now supports a ?-t|--type TYPE? option to filter on specific event types. Fixed a memleak in the timeline command. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
22:19:13 * [90adbd8443] /timeline.rss now accepts the same filter parameters as /timeline (e.g. y=ci for commits and y=w for wiki) (user: stephan, tags: trunk)

08:13:50 * Ticket 162e66c9ea Inline variant of status still Open with 1 other change (user: stephan)

18:52:37 * [dab84c22ee] corrected 'Duration of Project' to round up, so a 2-day-old project doesn't show up as 1 day old (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
19:01:44 * Fixed ticket c7660d24bc: c699 builds incorrectly - runs mkindex before any translate plus 3 other changes (user: stephan)
19:00:11 * [d2ae873e9e] fixed deps problem created by my last checkin. Now builds properly in non-parallel mode (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
18:48:55 * Ticket c7660d24bc c699 builds incorrectly - runs mkindex before any translate status still Open with 5 other changes (user: stephan)
15:36:57 * [c699c491df] fixed Makefile dependency orderings so parallel compilation (e.g. make -j2) can work (cuts my build times in half) (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
11:11:01 * [7ae01ee47b] fixed an 'integer overflow' warning from the Sun compiler. Thank to Kevin for the tip. (user: stephan, tags: trunk)
07:30:34 * Ticket 16f8dabf66 Prune empty dirs when switching checkout UUIDs status still Open with 5 other changes (user: stephan)
11:51:37 * Closed ticket 4bf3cca894: TODO: Build flags for Solaris plus 3 other changes (user: stephan)