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Ticket UUID: 9de95186e6e69c1ee2f4ef2e3dc5796f6375a130
Title: User names with spaces cause fossil to choke on clone.
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Duplicate
Last Modified: 2009-09-13 11:06:15
Version Found In: 713b8be852
Description & Comments:
My user name under Windows is my full name: first, initial and last. When I decided to build a Windows version of Fossil for the first time I got this:
e:\source\c\fossil>fossil clone
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Send:             552         22          0          0
1fossil: server says: bad command: login Firstname I. Lastname f4ec7af467f5abe2f9078cbea9521983b0eeced5 2b1a070d129031d15b3353f19696521
Checking the environment I found an environment variable "USERNAME" that held that value. Modifying that to just "firstname" got me the following:
e:\source\c\fossil>fossil clone \Source\Repositories\fossil.fsl
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Send:             552         22          0          0
Received:      249518       5203          0          0
Send:            9449        200          0          0
Received:      546003        252         25        175
Send:           18849        400          0          0
Received:      466320        452         53        347
Send:           37649        800          0          0
Received:      727530        852         55        745
Send:           75249       1600          0          0
Received:     2663224       1652        144       1456
Send:          102274       2175          0          0
Received:     8157135       2227        815       1328
Send:            1553         32          0          0
Received:      520651         84         19         13
Total network traffic: 131452 bytes sent, 4643946 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
5175 (100%)...
project-id: CE59BB9F186226D80E49D1FA2DB29F935CCA0333
server-id:  6024b4190af8d47e118677fa463bbc7b24f7b47e
admin-user: firstname (password is "f8e54a")
I do not think it is a good idea for fossil to make UNIX-y assumptions about file and user names. Fads in this change over time. Remember when a user was [1,2] and a full file spec was something like _SY:[0,1]FILNAM.EXT? (Those are RSTS/E conventions.)

drh added on 2009-09-13 11:06:15:
This is a duplicate of ticket 71c9b46198c04 and has already been fixed by check-in ee47021f51fa7b81b on 2009-09-10.