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Ticket UUID: 1d7bbe30aad51a1d1c2f69090b0b949db0e72c0e
Title: .../xfer hangs or crashes (CGI)
Status: Fixed Type: Incident
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2009-09-16 14:51:07
Version Found In: aa57354736
Description & Comments:
On Windows attempt to get http://server/fossil_base/xfer result to crash of fossil.exe (Windows pops window 'fossil.exe unexpectedly stops' and web-server, running this cgi, shows error page about fossil process).

On Linux it seems to hang (nothing appears in browser if I run

This is not a code defect, but it would be useful, if this page (that normally accepts POSTs) output something in case of GET too, instead of crash. Meta information about cloneability, for example.

drh added on 2009-09-16 14:51:07:
Fixed in check-in 39a144eb5cdde5bced1dce3aefa57272b80afbd3