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Artifact fccbbea0d27033af791d14e287ca824e3b7017ea

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_repository.tcl part of check-in [67600f777b] - Fixed handling of project objects when persisting them. Fill the project map. This is needed if the pass is not skipped. For the skip case we already initialize the project map when 'load'ing from the state. by aku on 2007-11-14 05:08:43.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

## Repository manager. Keeps projects and their files around.

package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::repository 1.0

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                          ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                             ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::trouble               ; # Error reporting.
package require vc::tools::log                   ; # User feedback.
package require vc::tools::misc                  ; # Text formatting.
package require vc::tools::id                    ; # Indexing and id generation.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project ; # CVS projects.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state   ; # State storage.
package require struct::list                     ; # List operations.
package require fileutil                         ; # File operations.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::repository {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    typemethod base {path} {
	# Could be checked, easier to defer to the overall validation.
	set mybase $path

    typemethod add {path} {
	# Most things cannot be checked immediately, as the base is
	# not known while projects are added. We can and do check for
	# uniqueness. We accept multiple occurences of a name, and
	# treat them as a single project.

	if {[lsearch -exact $myprojpaths $path] >= 0} return
	lappend myprojpaths $path

    typemethod trunkonly! {} { set mytrunkonly 1 ; return }
    typemethod trunkonly  {} { return $mytrunkonly }

    typemethod projects {} {
	return [TheProjects]

    typemethod base? {} { return $mybase }

    typemethod validate {} {
	if {![IsRepositoryBase $mybase msg]} {
	    trouble fatal $msg
	    # Without a good base directory checking any projects is
	    # wasted time, so we leave now.
	foreach pp $myprojpaths {
	    if {![IsProjectBase $mybase/$pp $mybase/CVSROOT msg]} {
		trouble fatal $msg

    typemethod defauthor   {a}               { $myauthor put $a }
    typemethod defcmessage {cm}              { $mycmsg   put $cm }
    typemethod defsymbol   {pid name}        { $mysymbol put [list $pid $name] }
    typemethod defmeta     {pid bid aid cid} { $mymeta   put [list $pid $bid $aid $cid] }

    typemethod commitmessageof {mid} {
	struct::list assign [$mymeta keyof $mid] pid bid aid cid
	return [$mycmsg keyof $cid]

    # pass I results
    typemethod printstatistics {} {
	set prlist [TheProjects]
	set npr [llength $prlist]

	log write 2 repository "Scanned [nsp $npr project]"

	if {$npr > 1} {
	    set  bmax [max [struct::list map $prlist [myproc .BaseLength]]]
	    incr bmax 2
	    set  bfmt %-${bmax}s

	    set  nmax [max [struct::list map $prlist [myproc .NFileLength]]]
	    set  nfmt %${nmax}s
	} else {
	    set bfmt %s
	    set nfmt %s

	set keep {}
	foreach p $prlist {
	    set nfiles [llength [$p filenames]]
	    set line "Project [format $bfmt \"[$p printbase]\"] : [format $nfmt $nfiles] [sp $nfiles file]"
	    if {$nfiles < 1} {
		append line ", dropped"
	    } else {
		lappend keep $p
	    log write 2 repository $line

	if {![llength $keep]} {
	    trouble warn "Dropped all projects"
	} elseif {$npr == [llength $keep]} {
	    log write 2 repository "Keeping all projects"
	} else {
	    log write 2 repository "Keeping [nsp [llength $keep] project]"
	    trouble warn "Dropped [nsp [expr {$npr - [llength $keep]}] {empty project}]"

	# Keep reduced set of projects.
	set projects $keep

    # pass I persistence
    typemethod persist {} {
	::variable myprojmap
	state transaction {
	    foreach p [TheProjects] {
		$p persist
		set myprojmap([$p id]) $p

    typemethod load {} {
	state transaction {
	    foreach   {pid  name} [state run {
		SELECT pid, name FROM project ;
	    }] {
		set project [project %AUTO% $name $type]

		lappend myprojpaths $name
		lappend myprojects  $project
		set myprojmap($pid) $project
		$project setid $pid
	    foreach   {fid  pid  name  visible  exec} [state run {
		SELECT fid, pid, name, visible, exec FROM file ;
	    }] {
		$myprojmap($pid) addfile $name $visible $exec $fid

    # pass II results
    typemethod printrevstatistics {} {
	log write 2 repository "Scanned ..."
	# number of revisions, symbols, repository wide, per project ...

    # pass II persistence
    typemethod persistrev {} {
	state transaction {
	    # TODO: Save symbols of all projects (before the revisions
	    # in the projects, as they are referenced by the meta
	    # tuples)
	    foreach p [TheProjects] { $p persistrev }

    typemethod loadsymbols {} {
	state transaction {
	    # We load the symbol ids at large to have the mapping
	    # right from the beginning.

	    foreach {sid pid name tc bc cc} [state run {
		SELECT sid, pid, name, tag_count, branch_count, commit_count
		FROM symbol
	    }] {
		$mysymbol map $sid [list $pid $name]
		set project $myprojmap($pid)

		set force  [$project hassymbol $name]
		set symbol [$project getsymbol $name]

		# Forcing happens only for the trunks.
		if {$force} { $symbol forceid $sid }

		# Set the loaded counts.
		$symbol defcounts $tc $bc $cc

		# Note: The type is neither retrieved nor set, for
		# this is used to load the pass II data, which means
		# that everything is 'undefined' at this point anyway.

		# future: $symbol load (blockers, and parents)

    typemethod determinesymboltypes {} {
	foreach project [TheProjects] {
	    $project determinesymboltypes

    typemethod projectof {pid} {
	return $myprojmap($pid)

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## State

    typevariable mybase           {} ; # Base path to CVS repository.
    typevariable myprojpaths      {} ; # List of paths to all declared
				       # projects, relative to mybase.
    typevariable myprojects       {} ; # List of objects for all
				       # declared projects.
    typevariable myprojmap -array {} ; # Map from project ids to their
				       # objects.
    typevariable myauthor         {} ; # Names of all authors found,
				       # maps to their ids.
    typevariable mycmsg           {} ; # All commit messages found,
				       # maps to their ids.
    typevariable mymeta           {} ; # Maps all meta data tuples
				       # (project, branch, author,
				       # cmessage) to their ids.
    typevariable mysymbol         {} ; # Map symbols identified by
				       # project and name to their
				       # id. This information is not
				       # saved directly.
    typevariable mytrunkonly      0  ; # Boolean flag. Set by option
				       # processing when the user
				       # requested a trunk-only import

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods

    typeconstructor {
	set myauthor [vc::tools::id %AUTO%]
	set mycmsg   [vc::tools::id %AUTO%]
	set mymeta   [vc::tools::id %AUTO%]
	set mysymbol [vc::tools::id %AUTO%]

    proc .BaseLength {p} {
	return [string length [$p printbase]]

    proc .NFileLength {p} {
	return [string length [llength [$p filenames]]]

    proc IsRepositoryBase {path mv} {
	::variable mybase
	upvar 1 $mv msg
	if {![fileutil::test $mybase         edr msg {CVS Repository}]}      {return 0}
	if {![fileutil::test $mybase/CVSROOT edr msg {CVS Admin Directory}]} {return 0}
	return 1

    proc IsProjectBase {path admin mv} {
	upvar 1 $mv msg
	if {![fileutil::test $path edr msg Project]} {return 0}
	if {
	    ($path eq $admin) ||
	    [string match $admin/* $path]
	} {
	    set msg "Administrative subdirectory $path cannot be a project"
	    return 0
	return 1

    proc TheProjects {} {
	upvar 1 type type
	::variable myprojects
	::variable myprojpaths

	if {![llength $myprojects]} {
	    set myprojects [EmptyProjects $myprojpaths]
	return $myprojects

    proc EmptyProjects {projpaths} {
	::variable mybase
	upvar 1 type type
	set res {}
	if {[llength $projpaths]} {
	    foreach pp $projpaths {
		lappend res [project %AUTO% $pp $type]
	} else {
	    # Base is the single project.
	    lappend res [project %AUTO% "" $type]
	return $res

    proc SaveAuthors {} {
	::variable myauthor
	foreach {name aid} [$myauthor get] {
	    state run {
		INSERT INTO author ( aid,  name)
		VALUES             ($aid, $name);

    proc SaveCommitMessages {} {
	::variable mycmsg
	foreach {text cid} [$mycmsg get] {
	    state run {
		INSERT INTO cmessage ( cid,  text)
		VALUES               ($cid, $text);

    proc SaveMeta {} {
	::variable mymeta
	foreach {key mid} [$mymeta get] {
	    struct::list assign $key pid bid aid cid
	    state run {
		INSERT INTO meta ( mid,  pid,  bid,  aid,  cid)
		VALUES           ($mid, $pid, $bid, $aid, $cid);

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
    namespace export repository
    namespace eval repository {
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
	namespace import ::vc::tools::misc::*
	namespace import ::vc::tools::id
	namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
	log register repository

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
