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Artifact d6f60bec8c4f447ce214f5f404b17d8f59c5223b

File tools/lib/cvs_branch.tcl part of check-in [72dac950c3] - Continued work on the import of branches. Main principle now is to handle the branches vertically. First the trunk, then the branch starting with the first unprocessed changeset, and so forth. Looks more promising than the previous approach. Currently handles just a bit over half of the test projects (11 of 21 in 6 repositories). by aku on 2007-09-26 05:06:18.

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::branch {}

# Trivial storage of all branch data as a rectangular table.  We can
# think up a better suited storage system later, when we know what
# type of queries are made to this module.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::def {f dv deflist} {
    upvar 1 $dv date
    variable bra
    foreach {tag rev} $deflist {
	# ignore non-branch tags
	if {[llength [split $rev .]] < 4} continue

	if 0 {
	    if { ($rev ne "") && ![string match *.0.2 $rev] } {
		# is the base of vendor branches, usually. *.0.y
		# is the base of regular branches where nothing is on the
		# branch yet, only its root is marked. Everything else is
		# noteworthy for now.
		puts $f/$rev/$tag

	set root [revroot $rev]
	lappend bra [list $date($root) $tag $f $rev]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::revroot {rev} {
    return [join [lrange [split $rev .] 0 end-2] .]

    # ! Files in a branch can appear only after their root revision
    #   exists. This can be checked against the time of the cset which
    #   is our base. Branches which have no files yet can be eliminated
    #   from consideration.

    # ! All files noted by the base cset as added/modified have to be
    #   in the branch root. Branches which do not have such a file can
    #   be eliminated from consideration.

    # ! The versions of the added/modified files in the base have
    #   match the versions in the branch root. In the sense that they
    #   have to be equal or sucessors. The later implies identity in the
    #   upper parts (only the last 2 parts are relevant), and equal
    #   length.

    # This gives us the branch, and, due to the time information a
    # signature for the root.

    #? Can search for the root based on this signature fail ?
    #  Yes. Because the signature may contain files which were not
    #  actually yet in the root, despite being able to. And which were
    #  not modified by the base, so the check 2 above still passes.

    # -> Search for the full signature first, then drop the youngest
    # files, search again until match. Check the result against the
    # base, that all needed files are present.

    # However - Can search for the root based on the cset data (needed
    # files). Gives us another set of candidate roots. Intersect!

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::find {csvalue} {
    array set cs $csvalue

    #variable bra
    #puts ___________________________________________
    #puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $bra]] \n]

    Signatures     bd [TimeRelevant $cs(date)]
    DropIncomplete bd [concat $cs(added) $cs(changed)]

    #puts ___________________________________________
    #parray bd

    if {[array size bd] < 1} {
	puts "NO BRANCH"
	# Deal how?
	# - Abort
	# - Ignore this changeset and try the next one
	#   (Which has higher probability of not matching as it might
	#    be the successor in the branch to this cset and not a base).
	puts ""
	parray cs
    } elseif {[array size bd] > 1} {

	# While we might have found several tag they may all refer to
	# the same set of files. If that is so we consider them
	# identical and take one as representative of all.

	set su {}
	foreach {t s} [array get bd] {
	    lappend su [DictSort $s]
	if {[llength [lsort -unique $su]] > 1} {
	    puts "AMBIGOUS. The following branches match:"
	    # Deal how? S.a.
	    puts \t[join [array names bd] \n\t]
	    puts ""
	    parray cs
	# Fall through ...

    set tg [lindex [array names bd] 0]
    set rs [RootOf $bd($tg)]

    #puts "BRANCH = $tg"
    #puts "ROOTSG = $rs"

    return [list $tg $rs]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::has {ts needed} {
    #variable bra
    #puts ___________________________________________
    #puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $bra]] \n]

    Signatures     bd [TimeRelevant $ts]
    DropIncomplete bd $needed

    #puts ___________________________________________
    #parray bd

    if {[array size bd] < 1} {
	puts "NO BRANCH"
	# Deal how?
	# - Abort
	# - Ignore this changeset and try the next one
	#   (Which has higher probability of not matching as it might
	#    be the successor in the branch to this cset and not a base).
    } elseif {[array size bd] > 1} {
	puts "AMBIGOUS. Following branches match:"
	# Deal how? S.a.
	puts \t[join [array names bd] \n\t]

    set tg [lindex [array names bd] 0]

    #puts "BRANCH = $tg"

    return $tg

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::RootOf {dict} {
    set res {}
    foreach {f r} $dict {
	lappend res $f [revroot $r]
    return $res

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::DictSort {dict} {
    array set a $dict
    set r {}
    foreach k [lsort [array names a]] {
	lappend r $k $a($k)
    return $r

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::DropIncomplete {bv needed} {
    upvar 1 $bv bdata

    # Check the needed files against the branch signature. If files
    # are missing or not of a matching version drop the branch from
    # further consideration.

    foreach {tag sig} [array get bdata] {
	array set rev $sig
	foreach {file rv} $needed {
	    if {![info exists rev($file)] || ![successor $rv $rev($file)]} {
		# file in cset is not in the branch or is present, but
		# not proper version (different lengths, not matching
		# in upper 0..end-2 parts, not equal|successor).
		unset bdata($tag)
	unset rev

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::successor {ra rb} {
    # a successor-of b ?

    set la [split $ra .]
    set lb [split $rb .]
    if {
	([llength $la]         != [llength $lb])         ||
	([lrange  $la 0 end-2] ne [lrange  $lb 0 end-2]) ||
	([package vcompare $ra $rb] < 0)
    } {
	return 0
    } else {
	return 1

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::Signatures {bv deflist} {
    upvar 1 $bv bdata
    # Sort branch data by symbolic name for the upcoming checks, and
    # generate file revision signatures.

    array set bdata {}
    foreach item $deflist {
	# item = timestamp tag file revision
	foreach {__ tag file rev} $item break
	lappend bdata($tag) $file $rev

    #puts ___________________________________________
    #parray bdata


proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::TimeRelevant {date} {
    variable bra

    # Retrieve the branch data which definitely comes before (in time)
    # the candidate cset. Only this set is relevant to further checks
    # and filters.

    set res {}
    foreach item $bra {
	# item = timestamp tag file revision
	#        0         1   2    3
	if {[package vcompare [lindex $item 0] $date] > 0} continue
	lappend res $item

    #puts ___________________________________________
    #puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $res]] \n]
    return $res

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::branch {
    variable bra {}

    namespace export def find successor revroot has

package provide vc::cvs::ws::branch 1.0

    # Queries ... 
    # - Get set of files and revs for branch B which can be in it by the time T
    # - Check if a file referenced a/m instruction is in a set of files
    #   and revision, identical or proper sucessor.
    # => Combination
    #    Can branch B match the cset file a/m at time T ?
    # => Full combination
    #    Give me the list of branches which can match the cset file a/m
    #    at time T.

    # Branch DB organization => (Tag -> (Time -> (File -> Rev)))
    # The full combination actually does not need a complex structure.
    # We can simply scan a plain list of branch data.
    # The only alternative is an inverted index.
    # Time -> ((File -> Rev) -> Tag). Difficult to process.
    # Linear scan:
    # - Time after T   => drop
    # - File !in a/m   => drop
    # - Version !match => drop
    # -- Collect tag
    # Then lsort -unique for our result.
    # NO - The file check is inverted - All files have to be in a/m for the base, not a/m in files
    # == - This also breaks the issue for same-branch detection -
    #    future csets in the branch do not have that property.

    puts ___________________________________________
    # Show only branch data which definitely comes before the
    # candidate cset

    array set n [concat $cs(added) $cs(changed)]
    set xx {}
    set bb {}
    ::foreach x $bra {
	::foreach {ts tag f r} $x break
	if {[package vcompare $ts $cs(date)] > 0} continue
	if {![info exists n($f)]} continue
	if {
	    ([llength [split $n($f) .]] != [llength [split $r .]]) ||
	    ([lrange [split $n($f) .] 0 end-2] ne [lrange [split $r .] 0 end-2]) ||
	    ([package vcompare $n($f) $r] < 0)
	} continue
	lappend xx $x
	lappend bb $tag
    puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $xx]] \n]
    puts [join [lsort -unique $bb] \n]
