Artifact bb9275318e19fd792ff9c9d2ed6438dac1f71039
part of check-in
- First semi-complete app for import from CVS. Trunk only, wholesale only.
aku on
2007-09-04 05:36:56.
# -*- tcl -*- \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the trunk of a CVS repository wholesale into a fossil repository.
# Limitations implicitly mentioned:
# - No incremental import.
# - No import of branches.
# WIBNI features (beyond eliminating the limitations):
# - Restrict import to specific directory subtrees (SF projects use
# one repository for several independent modules. Examples: tcllib
# -> tcllib, tklib, tclapps, etc.). The restriction would allow import
# of only a specific module.
# - Related to the previous, strip elements from the base path to keep
# it short.
# - Export to CVS, trunk, possibly branches. I.e. extend the system to be
# a full bridge. Either Fossil or CVS could be the master repository.
# HACKS. I.e. I do not know if the 'fixes' I use are the correct way
# of handling the encountered situations.
# - File F has archives F,v and Attic/F,v. Currently I will ignore the
# file in the Attic.
# Examples: sqlite/os_unix.h
# - A specific revision of a file F cannot be checked out (reported
# error is 'invalid change text'). This indicates a corrupt RCS
# file, one or more delta are bad. We report but ignore the problem
# in a best-effort attempt at getting as much history as possible.
# Examples: tcllib/tklib/modules/tkpiechart/pie.tcl
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make private packages accessible.
lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] lib]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package Tcl 8.4
package require cvs ; # Frontend, reading from source repository
package require fossil ; # Backend, writing to destination repository.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc main {} {
global argv tot nto cvs fossil ntrunk
fossil::feedback Write ; # Setup progress feedback from the libraries
cvs::feedback Write
cvs::at $cvs ; # Define location of CVS repository
cvs::scan ; # Gather revision data from the archives
cvs::csets ; # Group changes into sets
cvs::rtree ; # Build revision tree (trunk only right now).
set tot 0.0
set nto 0
Write info {Importing ...}
Write info { Setting up cvs workspace and temporary fossil repository}
cvs::workspace ; # cd's to workspace
fossil::new ; # Uses cwd as workspace to connect to.
set ntrunk [cvs::ntrunk]
cvs::foreach_cset cset [cvs::root] {
import $cset
Write info " ========= [string repeat = 61]"
Write info " Imported $nto [expr {($nto == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
Write info " Within [format %.2f $tot] seconds (avg [format %.2f [expr {$tot/$nto}]] seconds/changeset)"
Write info { Moving to final destination}
fossil::destination $fossil
Write info Ok.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc commandline {} {
global argv cvs fossil nosign log
set nosign 0
while {[string match "-*" [set opt [lindex $argv 0]]]} {
if {$opt eq "--nosign"} {
set nosign 1
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
if {[llength $argv] != 2} usage
foreach {cvs fossil} $argv break
if {
![file exists $cvs] ||
![file readable $cvs] ||
![file isdirectory $cvs]
} {
usage "CVS directory missing, not readable, or not a directory."
} elseif {[file exists $fossil]} {
usage "Fossil destination repository exists already."
set log [open ${fossil}.log w]
proc usage {{text {}}} {
global argv0
puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 ?--nosign? cvs-repository fossil-rpeository"
if {$text eq ""} return
puts stderr " $text"
proc import {cset} {
global tot nto nosign ntrunk
Write info " Importing $cset [string repeat = [expr {60 - [string length $cset]}]]"
Write info " At $nto/$ntrunk ([format %.2f [expr {double($nto)/$ntrunk}]]%)"
set usec [lindex [time {
foreach {uuid ad rm ch} [fossil::commit cvs2fossil $nosign \
[cvs::wssetup $cset] \
::cvs::wsignore] break
} 1] 0]
cvs::uuid $cset $uuid
set sec [expr {$usec/1e6}]
set tot [expr {$tot + $sec}]
incr nto
Write info " == $uuid +${ad}-${rm}*${ch}"
Write info " in $sec seconds"
set avg [expr {$tot/$nto}]
set max [expr {$ntrunk * $avg}]
set rem [expr {$max - $tot}]
Write info " st avg [format %.2f $avg]"
Write info " st run [format %7.2f $tot] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$tot/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$tot/3600}]] hr"
Write info " st end [format %7.2f $max] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$max/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$max/3600}]] hr"
Write info " st rem [format %7.2f $rem] sec [format %6.2f [expr {$rem/60}]] min [format %5.2f [expr {$rem/3600}]] hr"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
array set fl {
debug {DEBUG }
info { }
warning {Warning}
error {ERROR }
proc Write {l t} {
global fl log
if {[string index $t 0] eq "\r"} {
puts -nonewline stdout "\r$fl($l) [string range $t 0 end-1]"
} else {
puts stdout "$fl($l) $t"
puts $log "$fl($l) $t"
flush stdout
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------