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Artifact b01480659eb8bcfb45b19989d32a7a3d1f878e99

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_pfiltersym.tcl part of check-in [ffafc0bd65] - Continued work on pass 4. Added code bringing the file level symbol data into compliance with the project level symbol types, converting tags to branches and vice versa. by aku on 2007-11-06 07:14:07.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

## Pass IV. Coming after the symbol collation pass this pass now
## removes all revisions and symbols referencing any of the excluded
## symbols from the persistent database.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                               ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                                  ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::log                        ; # User feedback.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state        ; # State storage.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym ; # Project level symbols

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Register the pass with the management

vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass define \
    FilterSymbols \
    {Filter symbols, remove all excluded pieces} \

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass::filtersym {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    typemethod setup {} {
	# Define names and structure of the persistent state of this
	# pass.

	state reading symbol
	state reading blocker
	state reading parent
	state reading preferedparent
	state reading revision
	state reading branch
	state reading tag

    typemethod load {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed to load data computed by
	# this pass into memory when this pass is skipped instead of
	# executed.

	# The results of this pass are fully in the persistent state,
	# there is nothing to load for the next one.

    typemethod run {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed to perform the
	# functionality of the pass.

	# The removal of excluded symbols and everything referencing
	# to them is done completely in the database.

	state transaction {

	    # Consider a rerun of the pass 2 paranoia checks.

	log write 1 filtersym "Filtering completed"

    typemethod discard {} {
	# Pass manager interface. Executed for all passes after the
	# run passes, to remove all data of this pass from the state,
	# as being out of date.

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods

    proc FilterExcludedSymbols {} {
	log write 3 filtersym "Filter out excluded symbols and users"

	# We pull all the excluded symbols together into a table for
	# easy reference by the upcoming DELETE and other statements.
	# ('x IN table' clauses).

	set excl [project::sym excluded]

	state run {
	    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE excludedsymbols AS
	    SELECT sid
	    FROM   symbol
	    WHERE  type = $excl

	# First we have to handle the possibility of an excluded
	# NTDB. This is a special special case there we have to
	# regraft the revisions which are shared between the NTDB and
	# Trunk onto the trunk, preventing their deletion later. We
	# have code for that in 'file', however that operated on the
	# in-memory revision objects, which we do not have here. We do
	# the same now without object, by directly manipulating the
	# links in the database.

	array set ntdb {}
	array set link {}

	foreach {id parent transfer} [state run {
	    SELECT R.rid, R.parent, R.dbchild
	    FROM  revision R, symbol S
	    WHERE R.lod = S.sid
	    AND   S.sid IN excludedsymbols
	    AND   R.isdefault
	}] {
	    set ntdb($id) $parent
	    if {$transfer eq ""} continue
	    set link($id) $transfer

	foreach joint [array names link] {
	    # The joints are the highest NTDB revisions which are
	    # shared with their respective trunk. We disconnect from
	    # their NTDB children, and make them parents of their
	    # 'dbchild'. The associated 'dbparent' is squashed
	    # instead. All parents of the joints are moved to the
	    # trunk as well.

	    set tjoint $link($joint)
	    set tlod [lindex [state run {
		SELECT lod FROM revision WHERE rid = $tjoint
	    }] 0]

	    # Covnert db/parent/child into regular parent/child links.
	    state run {
		UPDATE revision SET dbparent = NULL, parent = $joint  WHERE rid = $tjoint ;
		UPDATE revision SET dbchild  = NULL, child  = $tjoint WHERE rid = $joint  ;
	    while {1} {
		# Move the NTDB trunk revisions to trunk.
		state run {
		    UPDATE revision SET lod = $tlod, isdefault = 0 WHERE rid = $joint
		set last $joint
		set joint $ntdb($joint)
		if {![info exists ntdb($joint)]} break

	    # Reached the NTDB basis in the trunk. Finalize the
	    # parent/child linkage and squash the branch parent symbol
	    # reference.

	    state run {
		UPDATE revision SET child   = $last WHERE rid = $joint ;
		UPDATE revision SET bparent = NULL  WHERE rid = $last  ;

	# Now that the special case is done we can simply kill all the
	# revisions, tags, and branches referencing any of the
	# excluded symbols in some way. This is easy as we do not have
	# to select them again and again from the base tables any
	# longer.

	state run {
	    DELETE FROM revision WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
	    DELETE FROM tag      WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
	    DELETE FROM tag      WHERE sid IN excludedsymbols;
	    DELETE FROM branch   WHERE lod IN excludedsymbols;
	    DELETE FROM branch   WHERE sid IN excludedsymbols;

	    DROP TABLE excludedsymbols;

    proc MutateTagsToBranch {} {
	log write 3 filtersym "Mutate tags to branches"

	# Next, now that we know which symbols are what we look for
	# file level tags which are actually converted as branches
	# (project level), and put them into the correct table.

	set branch [project::sym branch]

	set tagstomutate [state run {
	    SELECT T.tid, T.fid, T.lod, T.sid, T.rev
	    FROM tag T, symbol S
	    WHERE T.sid = S.sid
	    AND S.type = $branch
	foreach {id fid lod sid rev} $tagstomutate {
	    state run {
		DELETE FROM tag WHERE tid = $id ;
		INSERT INTO branch (bid, fid,  lod,  sid,  root, first, bra)
		VALUES             ($id, $fid, $lod, $sid, $rev, NULL,  '');

    proc MutateBranchesToTag {} {
	log write 3 filtersym "Mutate branches to tags"

	# Next, now that we know which symbols are what we look for
	# file level branches which are actually converted as tags
	# (project level), and put them into the correct table.

	set tag [project::sym tag]

	set branchestomutate [state run {
	    SELECT, B.fid, B.lod, B.sid, B.root, B.first, B.bra
	    FROM branch B, symbol S
	    WHERE B.sid = S.sid
	    AND S.type = $tag
	foreach {id fid lod sid root first bra} $branchestomutate {
	    state run {
		DELETE FROM branch WHERE bid = $id ;
		INSERT INTO tag (tid, fid,  lod,  sid,  rev)
		VALUES          ($id, $fid, $lod, $sid, $root);

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass {
    namespace export filtersym
    namespace eval filtersym {
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
	namespace eval project {
	    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::project::sym
	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
	log register filtersym

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready

package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::pass::filtersym 1.0