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Artifact afdce6cc237ef902be4c16a03e458e46a0dbb94b

File tools/lib/import_statistics.tcl part of check-in [330f2da791] - Moved the counting of imported changesets to the beginning for a more accurate percent calculation and proper ending at 100%. by aku on 2007-09-20 07:08:40.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Management of statistics for an import run.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4
package require vc::tools::log  ; # User feedback

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::stats {
    vc::tools::log::system stats
    namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#     vc::fossil::import::stats
#         setup n m  - Initialize module, expect n changesets, of m.
#         done       - Write final statistics.
#         csbegin id - Import of identified changeset begins.
#         csend x    - It took x seconds to import the changeset.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation - Functionality

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::setup {n m} {
    variable run_format    %[string length $n]s
    variable max_format    %[string length $m]s
    variable total_csets   $n
    variable total_running 0
    variable total_seconds 0.0

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::done {} {
    variable total_csets
    variable total_seconds

    write 0 stats "========= [string repeat = 61]"
    write 0 stats "Imported $total_csets [expr {($total_csets == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
    write 0 stats "Within [F $total_seconds] seconds (avg [F [Avg]] seconds/changeset)"

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::csbegin {cset} {
    variable max_format
    variable run_format
    variable total_running
    variable total_csets

    incr total_running

    write 0 stats "ChangeSet [format $max_format $cset] @ [format $run_format $total_running]/$total_csets ([F6 [expr {$total_running*100.0/$total_csets}]]%)"

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::csend {seconds} {
    variable total_csets
    variable total_seconds
    variable total_running

    set  total_seconds [expr {$total_seconds + $seconds}]

    set avg [Avg]
    set end [expr {$total_csets * $avg}]
    set rem [expr {$end - $total_seconds}]

    write 2 stats "Imported in        [F7 $seconds] seconds"
    write 3 stats "Average Time/Cset  [F7 $avg] seconds"
    write 3 stats "Current Runtime    [FTime $total_seconds]"
    write 3 stats "Total Runtime  (E) [FTime $end]"
    write 3 stats "Remaining Time (E) [FTime $rem]"
    # (E) for Estimated.


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helper commands.

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::FTime {s} {
    set m [expr {$s / 60}]
    set h [expr {$s / 3600}]
    return "[F7 $s] sec [F6 $m] min [F5 $h] hr"

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::F  {x} { format %.2f  $x }
proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::F5 {x} { format %5.2f $x }
proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::F6 {x} { format %6.2f $x }
proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::F7 {x} { format %7.2f $x }

proc ::vc::fossil::import::stats::Avg {} {
    variable total_seconds
    variable total_running
    return [expr {$total_seconds/$total_running}]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::stats {
    variable total_csets   0 ; # Number of changesets to expect to be imported
    variable total_running 0 ; # Number of changesets which have been imported so far
    variable total_seconds 0 ; # Current runtime in seconds
    variable max_format   %s ; # Format to print changeset id, based on the largest id.
    variable run_format   %s ; # Format to print the number of imported csets.

    namespace export setup done csbegin csend

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready

package provide vc::fossil::import::stats 1.0