Artifact ad0046436f1ed290be6f136a1efb813bbb3d3908
part of check-in
- Continued work on the import of branches. Main principle now is to handle the branches vertically. First the trunk, then the branch starting with the first unprocessed changeset, and so forth. Looks more promising than the previous approach. Currently handles just a bit over half of the test projects (11 of 21 in 6 repositories).
aku on
2007-09-26 05:06:18.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Repository management (CVS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
package require fileutil ; # Tcllib (traverse directory hierarchy)
package require vc::rcs::parser ; # Handling the RCS archive files.
package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback
package require vc::tools::trouble ; # Error handling
package require vc::cvs::cmd ; # Access to cvs application.
package require vc::cvs::ws::files ; # Scan CVS repository for relevant files.
package require vc::cvs::ws::timeline ; # Manage timeline of all changes.
package require vc::cvs::ws::csets ; # Manage the changesets found in the timeline
package require vc::cvs::ws::branch ; # Branch database
package require vc::cvs::ws::sig ; # Changeset file/rev signatures
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
vc::tools::log::system cvs
namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
namespace import ::vc::rcs::parser::process
namespace import ::vc::cvs::cmd::dova
namespace eval trouble { namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble::* }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vc::cvs::ws::configure key value - Configure the subsystem.
# vc::cvs::ws::check src mv - Check if src is a CVS repository directory.
# vc::cvs::ws::begin src - Start new workspace and return the top-
# most directory co'd files are put into.
# vc::cvs::ws::ncsets - Retrieve total number of csets
# vc::cvs::ws::nimportable - Retrieve number of importable csets
# vc::cvs::ws::foreach csvar script - Run the script for each changeset, the
# id of the current changeset stored in
# the variable named by csvar.
# vc::cvs::ws::done - Close workspace and delete it.
# vc::cvs::ws::isadmin path - Check if path is an admin file of CVS
# vc::cvs::ws::checkout id - Have workspace contain the changeset id.
# vc::cvs::ws::get id - Retrieve data of a changeset.
# Configuration keys:
# -project path - Sub directory under 'src' to limit the import to.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::configure {key value} {
variable project
switch -exact -- $key {
-project { set project $value }
default {
return -code error "Unknown switch $key, expected \
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::check {src mv} {
variable project
upvar 1 $mv msg
if {
![fileutil::test $src erd msg "CVS Repository"] ||
![fileutil::test $src/CVSROOT erd msg "CVS Admin directory"] ||
(($project ne "") &&
![fileutil::test $src/$project erd msg "Project directory"])
} {
return 0
return 1
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::begin {src} {
if {![check $src msg]} { return -code error $msg }
DefBase $src
MakeTimeline [ScanArchives [files::find [RootPath]]]
return [MakeWorkspace]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::done {} {
variable workspace
file delete -force $workspace
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::foreach {cv script} {
variable importable
upvar 1 $cv c
::foreach c [lsort -integer -increasing $importable] {
set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} res]
# 0 - ok, 1 - error, 2 - return, 3 - break, 4 - continue
switch -- $code {
0 {}
1 { return -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo -code error $res }
2 {}
3 { return }
4 {}
default { return -code $code $result }
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ncsets {args} {
return [csets::num]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::nimportable {args} {
variable importable
return [llength $importable]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::isadmin {path} {
# Check if path is a CVS admin file.
if {[string match CVS/* $path]} {return 1}
if {[string match */CVS/* $path]} {return 1}
return 0
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::parentOf {id} { csets::parentOf $id }
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::checkout {id} {
variable workspace
cd $workspace
# TODO: Hide the direct access to the data structures behind
# TODO: accessors for date, cmsg, removed, added, changed, and
# TODO: author
array set cs [csets::get $id]
write 1 cvs "@ $cs(date)"
::foreach l [split [string trim $cs(cmsg)] \n] {
write 1 cvs "| $l"
::foreach {f r} $cs(removed) { write 2 cvs "R $f $r" ; Remove $f $r }
::foreach {f r} $cs(added) { write 2 cvs "A $f $r" ; Checkout $f $r }
::foreach {f r} $cs(changed) { write 2 cvs "M $f $r" ; Checkout $f $r }
# Provide metadata about the changeset the backend may wish to have
return [list $cs(author) $cs(date) $cs(cmsg)]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internals
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::DefBase {path} {
variable project
variable base
set base $path
write 0 cvs "Base: $base"
if {$project eq ""} {
write 0 cvs "Project: <ALL>"
} else {
write 0 cvs "Project: $project"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::RootPath {} {
variable project
variable base
if {$project eq ""} {
return $base
} else {
return $base/$project
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ScanArchives {files} {
write 0 cvs "Scanning archives ..."
set d [RootPath]
set r {}
set n 0
::foreach {rcs f} $files {
write 1 cvs "Archive $rcs"
# Get the meta data we need (revisions, timeline, messages).
lappend r $f [process $d/$rcs]
incr n
write 0 cvs "Processed [NSIPL $n file]"
return $r
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::MakeTimeline {meta} {
write 0 cvs "Generating coalesced timeline ..."
set n 0
::foreach {f meta} $meta {
array set md $meta
array set date $md(date)
array set auth $md(author)
array set cmsg $md(commit)
array set stat $md(state)
::foreach rev [lsort -dict [array names date]] {
set operation [Operation $rev $stat($rev)]
NoteDeadRoots $f $rev $operation
timeline::add $date($rev) $f $rev $operation $auth($rev) $cmsg($rev)
incr n
if {[info exists md(symbol)]} {
branch::def $f date $md(symbol)
unset md
unset date
unset auth
unset cmsg
unset stat
write 0 cvs "Timeline has [NSIPL $n entry entries]"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::NoteDeadRoots {f rev operation} {
# A dead-first revision is rev 1.1 with op R. For an example see
# the file memchan/DEPENDENCIES. Such a file seems to exist only!
# on its branch. The branches information is set on the revision
# (extend rcsparser!), symbols has a tag, refering to a branch,
# possibly magic.
if {($rev eq "1.1") && ($operation eq "R")} {
write 2 cvs "Dead root revision: $f"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::Operation {rev state} {
if {$state eq "dead"} {return "R"} ; # Removed
if {$rev eq "1.1"} {return "A"} ; # Added
if {[string match *.1.1 $rev]} {return "A"} ; # Added on a branch
return "M" ; # Modified
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::MakeChangesets {} {
write 0 cvs "Generating changesets from timeline"
timeline::foreach date file revision operation author cmsg {
csets::add $date $file $revision $operation $author $cmsg
write 0 cvs "Found [NSIPL [csets::num] changeset]"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::MakeWorkspace {} {
variable project
variable workspace [fileutil::tempfile importF_cvs_ws_]
set w $workspace
if {$project ne ""} { append w /$project }
file delete $workspace
file mkdir $w
write 0 cvs "Workspace: $workspace"
return $w
# Building the revision tree from the changesets.
# Limitation: Currently only trunk csets is handled.
# Limitation: Dead files are not removed, i.e. no 'R' actions right now.
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ProcessBranches {} {
variable importable
write 0 cvs "Organizing the changesets into branches"
set remainder [ProcessTrunk]
while {[llength $remainder]} {
set remainder [ProcessBranch $remainder]
# return -code break may be signaled to give up with non-empty
# set of unprocessed changesets.
# Status information ...
set nr [llength $remainder]
set ni [llength $importable]
set fmt %[string length [csets::num]]s
write 0 cvs "Unprocessed: [format $fmt $nr] [SIPL $nr changeset] (Will be ignored)"
write 0 cvs "To import: [format $fmt $ni] [SIPL $ni changeset]"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ProcessTrunk {} {
variable importable
write 0 cvs "Processing the trunk changesets"
set remainder {}
set t 0
set n [csets::num]
set parent {}
for {set c 0} {$c < $n} {incr c} {
if {[csets::isTrunk $c]} {
csets::setParentOf $c $parent
set parent $c
incr t
lappend importable $c
} else {
lappend remainder $c
write 0 cvs "Found [NSIPL $t {trunk changeset}], [NSIPL [llength $remainder] {branch changeset}]"
return $remainder
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ProcessBranch {cslist} {
write 0 cvs "Processing the remaining [SIPL [llength $cslist] changeset "[llength $cslist] changesets"]"
set base [lindex $cslist 0]
set cslist [lrange $cslist 1 end]
csets::DUMP $base
# Which branch does base belong to?
# - It has to be the base of an unprocessed branch!
# Otherwise it would have been on either the trunk
# or an already processed branch.
# Where is its root changeset ?
# - The root has to come before the base, it has already
# been processed => Smaller id, older in time.
# - Based on the files changed/removed by the base, and their
# versions we know the root versions of these files, and we
# can determine the changesets they are in => Intersection
# plus cap from previous contraint gives us the possible
# candidates.
write 4 cvs "Branch base $base"
::foreach {tag rootsig} [branch::find [csets::get $base]] break
write 4 cvs "Branch tag $tag"
write 4 cvs "Root sig $rootsig"
set root [sig::find $base $rootsig]
write 4 cvs "Branch root $root"
write 0 cvs "Changeset $base, starting branch \"$tag\", rooted at $root"
csets::setParentOf $base $root
set remainder {}
set t 1
::foreach c $cslist {
#csets::DUMP $c
if {[csets::sameBranch $c $base $tag]} {
csets::setParentOf $c $base
set base $c
incr t
lappend importable $c
} else {
lappend remainder $c
write 0 cvs "Found [NSIPL $t "$tag changeset"], [NSIPL [llength $remainder] changeset] outside"
return $remainder
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::Checkout {f r} {
variable base
variable project
# Added or modified, put the requested version of the file into
# the workspace.
if {$project ne ""} {set f $project/$f}
if {[catch {
dova -d $base co -r $r $f
} msg]} {
if {[string match {*invalid change text*} $msg]} {
# The archive of the file is corrupted and the chosen
# version not accessible due to that. We report the
# problem, but otherwise ignore it. As a consequence the
# destination repository will not contain the full history
# of the named file. By ignoring the problem we however
# get as much as is possible.
trouble::add "$f: Corrupted archive file. Inaccessible revision $r."
return -code error $msg
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::Remove {f r} {
# Remove file from workspace. Prune empty directories.
# NOTE: A dead-first file (rev 1.1 dead) will never have existed.
file delete $f
Prune [file dirname $f]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::Prune {path} {
# NOTE: Logically empty directories still physically contain the
# CVS admin directory, hence the check for == 1, not == 0. There
# might also be hidden files, we count them as well. Always hidden
# are . and .. and they do not count as user file.
if {
([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory $path *]] == 1) &&
([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory -type hidden $path *]] == 2)
} {
file delete -force $path
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::NSIPL {n singular {plural {}}} {
return "$n [SIPL $n $singular $plural]"
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::SIPL {n singular {plural {}}} {
if {$n == 1} {return $singular}
if {$plural eq ""} {set plural ${singular}s}
return $plural
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
variable base {} ; # Toplevel repository directory
variable project {} ; # Sub directory to limit the import to.
variable workspace {} ; # Directory to checkout changesets to.
variable importable {} ; # List of the csets which can be imported.
namespace export configure begin done foreach ncsets nimportable checkout
namespace export parentOf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready
package provide vc::cvs::ws 1.0