Artifact a7a859e048c9c69b7889d91701f831f6c79ca68a
part of check-in
- Added structure to the CVS frontend code, putting the repository traversal
into its own package.
aku on
2007-09-17 01:43:07.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Repository management (CVS)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
package require fileutil ; # Tcllib (traverse directory hierarchy)
package require vc::rcs::parser ; # Handling the RCS archive files.
package require vc::tools::log ; # User feedback
package require vc::cvs::cmd ; # Access to cvs application.
package require vc::cvs::ws::files ; # Scan CVS repository for relevant files.
package require struct::tree
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
vc::tools::log::system cvs
namespace import ::vc::tools::log::write
namespace import ::vc::rcs::parser::process
namespace import ::vc::cvs::cmd::dova
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vc::cvs::ws::configure key value - Configure the subsystem.
# vc::cvs::ws::check src mv - Check if src is a CVS repository directory.
# vc::cvs::ws::begin src - Start new workspace and return the top-
# most directory co'd files are put into.
# vc::cvs::ws::ncsets ?-import? - Retrieve number of csets (all/to import)
# vc::cvs::ws::foreach csvar script - Run the script for each changeset, the
# id of the current changeset stored in
# the variable named by csvar.
# vc::cvs::ws::done - Close workspace and delete it.
# vc::cvs::ws::isadmin path - Check if path is an admin file of CVS
# vc::cvs::ws::checkout id - Have workspace contain the changeset id.
# Configuration keys:
# -project path - Sub directory under 'src' to limit the import to.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::configure {key value} {
variable project
switch -exact -- $key {
-project { set project $value }
default {
return -code error "Unknown switch $key, expected \
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::check {src mv} {
variable project
upvar 1 $mv msg
if {
![fileutil::test $src erd msg "CVS Repository"] ||
![fileutil::test $src/CVSROOT erd msg "CVS Admin directory"] ||
(($project ne "") &&
![fileutil::test $src/$project erd msg "Project directory"])
} {
return 0
return 1
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::begin {src} {
variable project
variable base
set src [file normalize $src]
if {![check $src msg]} {
return -code error $msg
set base $src
write 0 cvs "Base: $base"
if {$project eq ""} {
write 0 cvs "Project: <ALL>"
} else {
write 0 cvs "Project: $project"
# OLD api calls ... TODO rework for more structure ...
scan ; # Gather revision data from the archives
csets ; # Group changes into sets
rtree ; # Build revision tree (trunk only right now).
set w [workspace] ; # OLD api ... TODO inline
if {$project ne ""} {
set w $w/$project
file mkdir $w
return $w
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::done {} {
variable cwd
variable workspace
cd $cwd
file delete -force $workspace
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::foreach {cv script} {
# OLD api ... TODO inline
uplevel 1 [list ::vc::cvs::ws::foreach_cset $cv 0 $script]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::ncsets {args} {
variable ncs
variable ntrunk
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
return -code error "wrong#args: Expected ?-import?"
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
if {[set k [lindex $args 0]] ne "-import"} {
return -code "Unknown switch $k, expected -import"
} else {
return $ntrunk
return $ncs
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::isadmin {path} {
# Check if path is a CVS admin file.
if {[string match CVS/* $path]} {return 1}
if {[string match */CVS/* $path]} {return 1}
return 0
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::checkout {id} {
variable workspace ; cd $workspace
wssetup $id ; # OLD api ... TODO inline
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internals - Old API for now.
# Scan repository, collect archives, parse them, and collect revision
# information (file, revision -> date, author, commit message)
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::scan {} {
variable project
variable base
variable timeline
set n 0
set d $base ; if {$project ne ""} {append d /$project}
set files [::vc::cvs::ws::files::find $d]
write 0 cvs "Scanning archives ..."
::foreach {rcs f} $files {
write 1 cvs "Archive $rcs"
# Get the meta data we need (revisions, timeline, messages).
set meta [process $d/$rcs]
array set p $meta
::foreach {rev ts} $p(date) {_ a} $p(author) {_ cm} $p(commit) {_ st} $p(state) {
set op [expr {($rev eq "1.1") ? "A" : "M"}]
if {$st eq "dead"} {set op "R"}
# A dead-first revision is rev 1.1 with op R. For an
# example see the file memchan/DEPENDENCIES. Such a file
# seems to exist only! on its branch. The branches
# information is set on the revision (extend rcsparser!),
# symbols has a tag, refering to a branch, possibly magic.
if {($rev eq "1.1") && ($op eq "R")} {
write 2 cvs {Dead root revision}
lappend timeline($ts) [list $op $ts $a $rev $f $cm]
#unset p(commit)
#parray p
incr n
write 0 cvs "Processed $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "file" : "files"}]"
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
# Timeline: tstamp -> (op, tstamp, author, revision, file, commit message)
variable timeline ; array set timeline {}
# Group single changes into changesets
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets {} {
variable timeline
variable csets
variable ncs
variable cmap
array unset csets * ; array set csets {}
array unset cmap * ; array set cmap {}
set ncs 0
write 0 cvs "Processing timeline"
set n 0
::foreach ts [lsort -dict [array names timeline]] {
# op tstamp author revision file commit
# 0 1 2 3 4 5/end
# b c a
set entries [lsort -index 2 [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index end $timeline($ts)]]]
#puts [join $entries \n]
::foreach entry $entries {
if {![CSNone] && [CSNew $entry]} {
#puts ==\n$reason
CSAdd $entry
incr n
write 0 cvs "Processed $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "entry" : "entries"}]"
set n [array size csets]
write 0 cvs "Found $n [expr {($n == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
# Changeset data:
# ncs: Counter-based id generation
# csets: id -> (user commit start end depth (file -> (op rev)))
variable ncs ; set ncs 0 ; # Counter for changesets
variable csets ; array set csets {} ; # Changeset data
# Building the revision tree from the changesets.
# Limitation: Currently only trunk csets is handled.
# Limitation: Dead files are not removed, i.e. no 'R' actions right now.
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::rtree {} {
variable csets
variable rtree {}
variable ntrunk 0
write 0 cvs "Extracting the trunk"
set rtree [struct::tree ::vc::cvs::ws::RT]
$rtree rename root 0 ; # Root is first changeset, always.
set trunk 0
set ntrunk 1 ; # Root is on the trunk.
set b 0 ; # No branch csets found yet.
# Extracting the trunk is easy, simply by looking at the involved
# version numbers.
::foreach c [lrange [lsort -integer [array names csets]] 1 end] {
::foreach {u cm s e rd f} $csets($c) break
# Ignore branch changes, just count them for the statistics.
if {$rd != 2} {
incr b
# Trunk revision, connect to, and update the head.
$rtree insert $trunk end $c
set trunk $c
incr ntrunk
write 0 cvs "Processed $ntrunk trunk [expr {($ntrunk == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
write 0 cvs "Ignored $b branch [expr {($b == 1) ? "changeset" : "changesets"}]"
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
# Tree holding trunk and branch information (struct::tree).
# Node names are cset id's.
variable rtree {}
variable ntrunk 0
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::workspace {} {
variable cwd [pwd]
variable workspace [fileutil::tempfile importF_cvs_ws_]
file delete $workspace
file mkdir $workspace
write 0 cvs "Workspace: $workspace"
cd $workspace ; # Checkouts go here.
return $workspace
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::wssetup {c} {
variable csets
variable base
variable project
# pwd = workspace
::foreach {u cm s e rd fs} $csets($c) break
write 1 cvs "@ $s"
::foreach l [split [string trim $cm] \n] {
write 1 cvs "| $l"
::foreach {f or} $fs {
::foreach {op r} $or break
write 2 cvs "$op $f $r"
if {$op eq "R"} {
# Remove file from workspace. Prune empty directories.
# NOTE: A dead-first file (rev 1.1 dead) will never have
# existed.
# NOTE: Logically empty directories still physically
# contain the CVS admin directory, hence the check for ==
# 1, not == 0. There might also be hidden files, we count
# them as well. Always hidden are . and .. and they do not
# count as user file.
file delete $f
set fd [file dirname $f]
if {
([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory $fd *]] == 1) &&
([llength [glob -nocomplain -directory -type hidden $fd *]] == 2)
} {
file delete -force $fd
} else {
# Added or modified, put the requested version of the file
# into the workspace.
if {$project ne ""} {set f $project/$f}
if {[catch {
dova -d $base co -r $r $f
} msg]} {
if {[string match {*invalid change text*} $msg]} {
# The archive of the file is corrupted and the
# chosen version not accessible due to that. We
# report the problem, but otherwise ignore it. As
# a consequence the destination repository will not
# contain the full history of the named file. By
# ignoring the problem we however get as much as
# is possible.
write 0 cvs "EE Corrupted archive file. Inaccessible revision."
return -code error $msg
# Provide metadata about the changeset the backend may wish to have
return [list $u $s $cm]
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
# Workspace where checkouts happen
# Current working directory to go back to after the import.
variable workspace {}
variable cwd {}
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::foreach_cset {cv node script} {
upvar 1 $cv c
variable rtree
set c $node
while {1} {
set code [catch {uplevel 1 $script} res]
# 0 - ok, 1 - error, 2 - return, 3 - break, 4 - continue
switch -- $code {
0 {}
1 { return -errorcode $::errorCode -errorinfo $::errorInfo -code error $res }
2 {}
3 { return }
4 {}
default {
return -code $code $result
# Stop on reaching the head.
if {![llength [$rtree children $c]]} break
#puts <[$rtree children $c]>
# Go to next child in trunk (leftmost).
set c [lindex [$rtree children $c] 0]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helper commands: Changeset inspection and construction.
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSClear {} {
upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd
set start {}
set end {}
set cm {}
set user {}
set lastd {}
array unset files *
array set files {}
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSNone {} {
upvar 1 start start
return [expr {$start eq ""}]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSNew {entry} {
upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd reason reason
#puts -nonewline stdout . ; flush stdout
::foreach {op ts a rev f ecm} $entry break
# User change
if {$a ne $user} {set reason user ; return 1}
# File already in current cset
if {[info exists files($f)]} {set reason file ; return 1}
# Current cset trunk/branch different from entry.
set depth [llength [split $rev .]]
if {($lastd == 2) != ($depth == 2)} {set reason depth/$lastd/$depth/($rev)/$f ; return 1}
# Commit message changed
if {$cm ne $ecm} {set reason cmsg\ <<$ecm>> ; return 1}
# Everything is good, still the same cset
return 0
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSSave {} {
variable cmap
variable csets
variable ncs
upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd
set csets($ncs) [list $user $cm $start $end $lastd [array get files]]
# Record which revisions of a file are in what csets
::foreach {f or} [array get files] {
::foreach {_ rev} $or break
set cmap([list $f $rev]) $ncs
#CSDump $ncs
incr ncs
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSAdd {entry} {
upvar 1 start start end end cm cm user user files files lastd lastd
::foreach {op ts a rev f ecm} $entry break
if {$start eq ""} {set start $ts}
set end $ts
set cm $ecm
set user $a
set files($f) [list $op $rev]
set lastd [llength [split $rev .]]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::CSDump {c} {
variable csets
::foreach {u cm s e rd f} $csets($c) break
puts "$u $s"; regsub -all {.} $u { } b
puts "$b $e"
::foreach {f or} $f {
::foreach {o r} $or break
puts "$b $o $f $r"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws {
variable base {} ; # Toplevel repository directory
variable project {} ; # Sub directory to limit the import to.
namespace export configure begin done foreach ncsets checkout
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready
package provide vc::cvs::ws 1.0