Artifact 867793964eb28c6493b95385cb9686e74d43cb55
part of check-in
- Continued to flesh out revision and symbol processing. Started on the project level classses.
aku on
2007-10-12 07:18:27.
## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Revisions per file.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4 ; # Required runtime.
package require snit ; # OO system.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev {
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Public API
constructor {revnr date author state thefile} {
set myrevnr $revnr
set mydate $date
set myauthor $author
set mystate $state
set myfile $thefile
method hascommitmsg {} { return $myhascm }
method setcommitmsg {cm} {
set mycommitmsg $cm
set myhascm 1
method settext {text} {
set mytext $text
method setbranch {branchnr} {
set mybranchnr $branchnr
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Type API
typemethod istrunkrevnr {revnr} {
return [expr {[llength [split $revnr .]] == 2}]
typemethod 2branchnr {revnr} {
# Input is a branch revision number, i.e. a revision number
# with an even number of components; for example ''
# (never '2.9.2' nor ''). The return value is the
# branch number (for example, '2.9.2'). For trunk revisions,
# like '3.4', we return the empty string.
if {[$type istrunkrevnr $revnr]} {
return ""
return [join [lrange [split $revnr .] 0 end-1] .]
typemethod isbranchrevnr {revnr _ bv} {
if {[regexp $mybranchpattern $revnr -> head tail]} {
upvar 1 $bv branchnr
set branchnr ${head}$tail
return 1
return 0
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## State
typevariable mybranchpattern {^((?:\d+\.\d+\.)+)(?:0\.)?(\d+)$}
# First a nonzero even number of digit groups with trailing dot
# CVS then sticks an extra 0 in here; RCS does not.
# And the last digit group.
variable myrevnr {} ; # Revision number of the revision.
variable mydate {} ; # Timestamp of the revision, seconds since epoch
variable mystate {} ; # State of the revision.
variable myfile {} ; # Ref to the file object the revision belongs to.
variable myhascm 0 ; # Bool flag, set when the commit msg was set.
variable mytext {} ; # Range of the (delta) text for this revision in the file.
# The meta data block used later to group revisions into changesets.
# The project name factors into this as well, but is not stored
# here. The name is acessible via myfile's project.
variable myauthor {} ; # Name of the user who committed the revision.
variable mycommitmsg {} ; # The message entered as part of the commit.
variable mybranchnr {} ; # The number of the branch the commit was done on.
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Internal methods
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
## Configuration
pragma -hastypeinfo no ; # no type introspection
pragma -hasinfo no ; # no object introspection
pragma -simpledispatch yes ; # simple fast dispatch
# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file {
namespace export rev
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready
package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev 1.0