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Artifact 6f6129caeb9ecfaa6fd1f89dd0fced1c1de6742c

File tools/import-cvs.tcl part of check-in [3852590ce6] - New feature for importer. rcs parser extended so that it can store parse results for quick loading in future runs. This feature has no real use in regular use of the importer, i.e. one-shot conversion of a CVS repository to fossil. It is however useful for debugging when the source repository is scanned many times during test runs. Especially for large files, with lots of changes (like ChangeLogs), the direct loading of a Tcl dictionary is much faster than actually parsing the archive files. by aku on 2007-09-26 05:02:06.

# -*- tcl -*- \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Import the trunk of a CVS repository wholesale into a fossil repository.

# Limitations implicitly mentioned:
# - No incremental import.
# - No import of branches.

# WIBNI features (beyond eliminating the limitations):
# - Restrict import to specific directory subtrees (SF projects use
#   one repository for several independent modules. Examples: tcllib
#   -> tcllib, tklib, tclapps, etc.). The restriction would allow import
#   of only a specific module.
# - Related to the previous, strip elements from the base path to keep
#   it short.
# - Export to CVS, trunk, possibly branches. I.e. extend the system to be
#   a full bridge. Either Fossil or CVS could be the master repository.

# HACKS. I.e. I do not know if the 'fixes' I use are the correct way
#        of handling the encountered situations.
# - File F has archives F,v and Attic/F,v. Currently I will ignore the
#   file in the Attic.
#   Examples: sqlite/os_unix.h
# - A specific revision of a file F cannot be checked out (reported
#   error is 'invalid change text'). This indicates a corrupt RCS
#   file, one or more delta are bad. We report but ignore the problem
#   in a best-effort attempt at getting as much history as possible.
#   Examples: tcllib/tklib/modules/tkpiechart/pie.tcl

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make private packages accessible.

lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] lib]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4
package require vc::tools::log          ; # User Feedback
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs ; # Importer Control
package require vc::cvs::ws             ; # CVS frontend

namespace eval ::import {
    namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::*

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc main {} {
    commandline -> cvs  fossil
    import::run   $cvs $fossil

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc commandline {__ cv fv} {
    global argv
    upvar 1 $cv cvs $fv fossil

    set verbosity 0

    while {[string match "-*" [set opt [this]]]} {
	switch -exact -- $opt {
	    --breakat     { next ; import::configure -breakat   [this] }
	    --cache-rcs   { next ; import::configure -cache-rcs [this] }
	    --nosign      {        import::configure -nosign         1 }
	    --project     { next ; import::configure -project   [this] }
	    --saveto      { next ; import::configure -saveto    [file normalize [this]] }
	    -v            { incr verbosity ; ::vc::tools::log::verbosity $verbosity }
	    -h            -
	    default       usage

    if {[llength $argv] != 2} usage
    foreach {cvs fossil} $argv break

    if {![::vc::cvs::ws::check $cvs msg]} {
	usage $msg
    } elseif {[file exists $fossil]} {
	usage "Fossil destination repository exists already."


proc this {} {
    global argv
    upvar 1 at at
    return [lindex $argv $at]

proc next {} {
    upvar 1 at at
    incr at

proc remainder {} {
    upvar 1 at at
    global argv
    set argv [lrange $argv $at end]

proc clinit {} {
    upvar 1 at at
    set at 0

proc usage {{text {}}} {
    global argv0
    puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 ?-v? ?--nosign? ?--breakat id? ?--saveto path? cvs-repository fossil-repository"
    if {$text eq ""} {
	puts stderr "       --nosign:    Do not sign the imported changesets."
	puts stderr "       --breakat:   Stop just before committing the identified changeset."
	puts stderr "       --cache-rcs: Boolean. Activate caching of rcs parse results"
	puts stderr "       --project:   Path in the CVS repository to limit the import to."
	puts stderr "       --saveto:    Save commit command to the specified file."
	puts stderr "       -v:          Increase log verbosity. Can be used multiple times."
    } else {
	puts stderr "       $text"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
