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Artifact 6007a4dcd03cc7c05e767725aef774b5a06c502a

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_frev.tcl part of check-in [67c24820c7] - Reworked the whole handling of meta data (author, commit message, plus project/branch information), so that revisions now store only the meta id, everything else is stored centrally. All the relevant pieces (author, cmessage, symbols, projects) now also get numeric ids assigned early instead of when being saved to the state. Project ids are loaded from the state now too. by aku on 2007-10-14 01:58:07.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

## Revisions per file.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                             ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                                ; # OO system.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    constructor {revnr date state thefile} {
	set myrevnr    $revnr
	set mydate     $date
	set myorigdate $date
	set mystate    $state
	set myfile     $thefile

    # Basic pieces ________________________

    method hasmeta {}     { return [expr {$mymetaid ne ""}] }
    method setmeta {meta} { set mymetaid $meta ; return }
    method settext {text} { set mytext   $text ; return }

    method revnr {} { return $myrevnr }

    # Basic parent/child linkage __________

    method hasparent {} { return [expr {$myparent ne ""}] }
    method haschild  {} { return [expr {$mychild  ne ""}] }

    method setparent {parent} {
	if {$myparent ne ""} { trouble internal "Parent already defined" }
	set myparent $parent

    method setchild {child} {
	if {$mychild ne ""} { trouble internal "Child already defined" }
	set mychild $child

    method parent {} { return $myparent }
    method child  {} { return $mychild  }

    # Branch linkage ______________________

    method setparentbranch {branch} {
	if {$myparentbranch ne ""} { trouble internal "Branch parent already defined" }
	set myparentbranch $branch

    method addbranch {branch} {
	lappend mybranches $branch
	#sorted in ascending order by branch number?

    method addchildonbranch {child} {
	lappend mybranchchildren $child

    # Tag linkage _________________________

    method addtag {tag} {
	lappend mytags $tag

    method sortbranches {} {
	if {![llength $mybranches]} return

	# Sort the branches spawned by this revision in creation
	# order. To help in this our file gave all branches a position
	# id, in order of their definition by the RCS archive.
	# The creation order is (apparently) the reverse of the
	# definition order. (If a branch is created then deleted, a
	# later branch can be assigned the recycled branch number;
	# therefore branch numbers are not an indication of creation
	# order.)

	set tmp {}
	foreach branch $mybranches {
	    lappend tmp [list $branch [$branch position]]

	set mybranches {}
	foreach item [lsort -index 1 -decreasing $tmp] {
	    struct::list assign $item -> branch position
	    lappend mybranches $branch

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Type API

    typemethod istrunkrevnr {revnr} {
	return [expr {[llength [split $revnr .]] == 2}]

    typemethod isbranchrevnr {revnr _ bv} {
	if {[regexp $mybranchpattern $revnr -> head tail]} {
	    upvar 1 $bv branchnr
	    set branchnr ${head}$tail
	    return 1
	return 0

    typemethod 2branchnr {revnr} {
	# Input is a branch revision number, i.e. a revision number
	# with an even number of components; for example ''
	# (never '2.9.2' nor '').  The return value is the
	# branch number (for example, '2.9.2').  For trunk revisions,
	# like '3.4', we return the empty string.

	if {[$type istrunkrevnr $revnr]} {
	    return ""
	return [join [lrange [split $revnr .] 0 end-1] .]

    typemethod 2branchparentrevnr {branchnr} {
	# Chop the last segment off
	return [join [lrange [split $branchnr .] 0 end-1] .]

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## State

    typevariable mybranchpattern {^((?:\d+\.\d+\.)+)(?:0\.)?(\d+)$}
    # First a nonzero even number of digit groups with trailing dot
    # CVS then sticks an extra 0 in here; RCS does not.
    # And the last digit group.

    variable myrevnr     {} ; # Revision number of the revision.
    variable mydate      {} ; # Timestamp of the revision, seconds since epoch
    variable myorigdate  {} ; # Original unmodified timestamp.
    variable mystate     {} ; # State of the revision.
    variable myfile      {} ; # Ref to the file object the revision belongs to.
    variable mytext      {} ; # Range of the (delta) text for this revision in the file.

    variable mymetaid    {} ; # Id of the meta data group the revision
			      # belongs to. This is later used to put
			      # the file revisions into preliminary
			      # changesets (aka project revisions).
			      # This id encodes 4 pieces of data,
			      # namely: the project and branch the
			      # revision was committed to, the author
			      # who did the commit, and the message
			      # used.

    # Basic parent/child linkage (lines of development)

    variable myparent {} ; # Ref to parent revision object. Link required because of
    #                    ; # 'cvsadmin -o', which can create arbitrary gaps in the
    #                    ; # numbering sequence. This is in the same line of development
    #                    ; # Note: For the first revision on a branch the revision
    #                    ; # it was spawned from is the parent. Only the root revision
    #                    ; # of myfile's revision tree has nothing set here.
    #                    ; #

    variable mychild  {} ; # Ref to the primary child revision object, i.e. the next
    #                    ; # revision in the same line of development.

    # Branch linkage ____________________

    variable mybranches     {} ; # List of the branches (objs) spawned by this revision.
    variable myparentbranch {} ; # For the first revision on a branch the relevant
    #                          ; # branch object. This also allows us to determine if
    #                          ; # myparent is in the same LOD, or the revision the
    #                          ; # branch spawned from.

    # List of the revision objects of the first commits on any
    # branches spawned by this revision on which commits occurred.
    # This dependency is kept explicitly because otherwise a
    # revision-only topological sort would miss the dependency that
    # exists via -> mybranches.

    variable mybranchchildren {} ; # List of the revisions (objs) which are the first
    #                            ; # commits on any of the branches spawned from this
    #                            ; # revision. The dependency is kept explicitly to
    #                            ; # ensure that a revision-only topological sort will
    #                            ; # not miss it, as it otherwise exists only via
    #                            ; # mybranches.

    # Tag linkage ________________________

    variable mytags {} ; # List of tags (objs) associated with this revision.

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    pragma -hastypeinfo    no  ; # no type introspection
    pragma -hasinfo        no  ; # no object introspection
    pragma -simpledispatch yes ; # simple fast dispatch

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::file {
    namespace export rev

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready

package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::file::rev 1.0