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Artifact 4ade9049c69c82a66e2552c3e423f9bf5a6a23ef

File tools/lib/cvs_csets.tcl part of check-in [72dac950c3] - Continued work on the import of branches. Main principle now is to handle the branches vertically. First the trunk, then the branch starting with the first unprocessed changeset, and so forth. Looks more promising than the previous approach. Currently handles just a bit over half of the test projects (11 of 21 in 6 repositories). by aku on 2007-09-26 05:06:18.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Repository management (CVS), Changeset grouping and storage.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4
package require vc::cvs::ws::sig      ; # Changeset file/rev signatures

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current {}
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::sig {
    namespace import ::vc::cvs::ws::sig::*

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# vc::cvs::ws::csets::init   - Initialize accumulator
# vc::cvs::ws::csets::add    - Add timeline entry to accumulor, may generate new cset
# vc::cvs::ws::csets::done   - Complete cset generation.
# vc::cvs::ws::csets::get id - Get data of a cset.
# vc::cvs::ws::csets::num    - Get number of csets.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::init {} {
    variable ncs 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::add {date file revision operation author cmsg} {
    if {![Current::Empty] && [Current::New $file $revision $author $cmsg]} {
	Save [Current::Complete]
    Current::Add $date $file $revision $operation $author $cmsg

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::done {} {
    if {![Current::Empty]} {
	Save [Current::Complete]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::get {id} {
    variable csets
    return  $csets($id)

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::DUMP {id} {
    puts /${id}/_________________
    array set cs [get $id]
    parray cs

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::num {} {
    variable csets
    return [array size csets]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::isTrunk {id} {
    variable csets
    array set cs $csets($id)
    return [expr {$cs(lastd) == 2}]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::setParentOf {id parent} {
    variable csets
    lappend  csets($id) parent $parent

    array set cs $csets($id)
    sig::def            $id $parent $cs(added) $cs(changed) $cs(removed)

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::parentOf {id} {
    variable      csets
    array set cs $csets($id)
    return   $cs(parent)

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::sameBranch {id parent tag} {
    variable      csets
    array set cs $csets($id)
    return [sig::next $parent $cs(added) $cs(changed) $cs(removed) $tag $cs(date)]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helper commands: Changeset inspection and construction.

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Save {data} {
    variable csets
    variable ncs

    set csets($ncs) $data
    incr ncs

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current::Clear {} {
    variable    start   {} ; # date the changeset begins
    variable    cmsg    {} ; # commit message of the changeset
    variable    author  {} ; # user creating the changeset
    variable    lastd   {} ; # version depth of last added file.
    variable    removed {} ; # file -> revision of removed files.
    variable    added   {} ; # file -> revision of added files.
    variable    changed {} ; # file -> revision of modified files.
    variable    files
    array unset files *
    array set   files {}   ; # file -> revision

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current::Empty {} {
    variable start
    return [expr {$start eq ""}]

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current::New {nfile nrevision nauthor ncmsg} {
    upvar 1 reason reason
    variable cmsg
    variable author
    variable lastd
    variable files

    # User change
    if {$nauthor ne $author} {
	set reason user
	return 1

    # File already in current cset
    if {[info exists files($nfile)]} {
	set reason file
	return 1

    # Current cset trunk/branch different from entry.
    set ndepth [llength [split $nrevision .]]
    if {($lastd == 2) != ($ndepth == 2)} {
	set reason depth/$lastd/$ndepth/($nrevision)/$nfile
	return 1

    # Commit message changed
    if {$ncmsg ne $cmsg} {
	set reason cmsg/<<$ncmsg>>
	return 1

    # The new entry still belongs to the current changeset
    return 0

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current::Add {ndate nfile nrevision noperation nauthor ncmsg} {
    variable start
    variable cmsg
    variable author
    variable lastd
    variable removed
    variable added
    variable changed
    variable files

    if {$start eq ""} {set start $ndate}
    set cmsg          $ncmsg
    set author        $nauthor
    set lastd         [llength [split $nrevision .]]
    set files($nfile) $nrevision

    if {$noperation eq "R"} {
	lappend removed $nfile $nrevision
    } elseif {$noperation eq "A"} {
	lappend added   $nfile $nrevision
    } else {
	lappend changed $nfile $nrevision

proc ::vc::cvs::ws::csets::Current::Complete {} {
    variable start
    variable cmsg
    variable author
    variable lastd
    variable removed
    variable added
    variable changed

    set res [list \
		date    $start \
		author  $author \
		cmsg    [string trim $cmsg] \
		removed $removed \
		added   $added \
		changed $changed \
		lastd   $lastd]
    return $res

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internals

namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::csets {

    # Cset storage

    # csets: id -> dict
    # dict: date
    #       author
    #       csmg
    #       removed
    #       added
    #       changed
    #       lastd

    variable  ncs   0  ; # Counter for changesets
    variable  csets
    array set csets {} ; # Changeset data

    # Data of the current changeset built from timeline entries.
    namespace eval Current {
	variable  start   {} ; # date the changeset begins
	variable  cmsg    {} ; # commit message of the changeset
	variable  author  {} ; # user creating the changeset
	variable  lastd   {} ; # version depth of last added file.
	variable  removed {} ; # file -> revision of removed files.
	variable  added   {} ; # file -> revision of added files.
	variable  changed {} ; # file -> revision of modified files.
	variable  files
	array set files {}   ; # file -> revision

    namespace export init add done get num isTrunk setParentOf parentOf sameBranch

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready

package provide vc::cvs::ws::csets 1.0