Artifact 49d37a1b8b7a29138710efd3f1dc563b4201b7a6
part of check-in
- Encapsulated access to the fossil and cvs applications in their own packages.
aku on
2007-09-13 06:59:24.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Access to the external fossil command.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Requirements
package require Tcl 8.4
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::cmd {}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vc::fossil::cmd::dova word... - Run a fossil command specified as var args
# vc::fossil::cmd::do words - Run a fossil command specified in a list.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API Implementation
proc ::vc::fossil::cmd::dova {args} {do $args}
proc ::vc::fossil::cmd::do {words} {
variable cmd
if {![llength $words]} {
return -code error "Empty fossil command"
# 8.5: exec $cmd {*}$words
return [eval [linsert $words 0 exec $cmd]]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internals.
namespace eval ::vc::fossil::cmd {
# Locate external fossil application.
variable cmd [auto_execok fossil]
# Bail out if not found.
if {![llength $::vc::fossil::cmd::cmd]} {
return -code error "Fossil application not found."
namespace export do dova
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ready
package provide vc::fossil::cmd 1.0