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Artifact 3028615e2ae6c9863414c1464e0fb15a2ece6a96

File tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_integrity.tcl part of check-in [00bf8c198e] - The performance was still not satisfying, even with faster recomputing of successors. Doing it multiple times (Building the graph in each breaker and sort passes) eats time. Caching in memory blows the memory. Chosen solution: Cache this information in the database.

Created a new pass 'CsetDeps' which is run between 'InitCsets' and 'BreakRevCsetCycles' (i.e. changeset creation and first breaker pass). It computes the changeset dependencies from the file-level dependencies once and saves the result in the state, in the new table 'cssuccessor'. Now the breaker and sort passes can get the information quickly, with virtually no effort. The dependencies are recomputed incrementally when a changeset is split by one of the breaker passes, for its fragments and its predecessors.

The loop check is now trivial, and integrated into the successor computation, with the heavy lifting for the detailed analysis and reporting moved down into the type-dependent SQL queries. The relevant new method is 'loops'. Now that the loop check is incremental the pass based checks have been removed from the integrity module, and the option '--loopcheck' has been eliminated. For paranoia the graph setup and modification code got its loop check reinstated as an assert, redusing the changeset report code.

Renumbered the breaker and sort passes. A number of places, like graph setup and traversal, loading of changesets, etc. got feedback indicators to show their progress.

The selection of revision and symbol changesets for the associated breaker passes was a bit on the slow side. We now keep changeset lists sorted by type (during loading or general construction) and access them directly.

by aku on 2007-12-02 20:04:40.

## -*- tcl -*-
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries.
# This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals.  For exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

## This package holds a number of integrity checks done on the
## persistent state. This is used by the passes II and IV.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Requirements

package require Tcl 8.4                               ; # Required runtime.
package require snit                                  ; # OO system.
package require vc::tools::trouble                    ; # Error reporting.
package require vc::tools::log                        ; # User feedback.
package require vc::fossil::import::cvs::state        ; # State storage.

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################

snit::type ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity {
    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Public API

    typemethod assert {expression failmessage} {
	set ok [uplevel 1 [list ::expr $expression]]
	if {$ok} return
	trouble internal [uplevel 1 [list ::subst $failmessage]]

    typemethod strict {} {
	log write 4 integrity {Check database consistency}

	set n 0

    typemethod metarelaxed {} {
	log write 4 integrity {Check database consistency}

	set n 0

    typemethod changesets {} {
	log write 4 integrity {Check database consistency}

	set n 0

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Internal methods

    proc AllButMeta {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent cross-references.

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# Find all revisions which disagree with their line of
	# development about the project they are owned by.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their LODs have to be in the same project} \
	    {disagrees with its LOD about owning project} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F, symbol S
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.lod = S.sid
		AND !=
	# Find all revisions which disgree with their meta data about
	# the project they are owned by.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same project} \
	    {disagrees with its meta data about owning project} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F, meta M
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.mid = M.mid
		AND !=
	# Find all revisions with a primary child which disagrees
	# about the file they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same file} \
	    {disagrees with its primary child about the owning file} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.child = C.rid
		AND   C.fid != R.fid

	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
	# disagrees about the file they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their branch children have to be in the same file} \
	    {at the beginning of its branch and its parent disagree about the owning file} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent = P.rid
		AND   R.fid != P.fid
	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which disagrees
	# about the file they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their non-NTDB children have to be in the same file} \
	    {disagrees with its non-NTDB child about the owning file} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.dbchild = C.rid
		AND   C.fid != R.fid
	# Find all revisions which have a primary child, but the child
	# does not have them as parent.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions have to be parents of their primary children} \
	    {is not the parent of its primary child} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.child = C.rid
		AND   C.parent != R.rid
	# Find all revisions which have a primrary child, but the
	# child has a branch parent symbol making them brach starters.
	CheckRev \
	    {Primary children of revisions must not start branches} \
	    {is parent of a primary child which is the beginning of a branch} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.child = C.rid
		AND   C.bparent IS NOT NULL
	# Find all revisions without branch parent symbol which have a
	# parent, but the parent does not have them as primary child.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions have to be primary children of their parents, if any} \
	    {is not the child of its parent} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NULL
		AND   R.parent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent = P.rid
		AND   P.child != R.rid
	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which do not
	# have a parent.
	CheckRev \
	    {Branch starting revisions have to have a parent} \
	    {at the beginning of its branch has no parent} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent IS NULL
	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
	# has them as primary child.
	CheckRev \
	    {Branch starting revisions must not be primary children of their parents} \
	    {at the beginning of its branch is the primary child of its parent} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent = P.rid
		AND   P.child = R.rid
	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which are not on
	# the NTDB.
	CheckRev \
	    {NTDB to trunk transition has to begin on NTDB} \
	    {has a non-NTDB child, yet is not on the NTDB} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
		AND   NOT R.isdefault
	# Find all revisions with a NTDB parent which are on the NTDB.
	CheckRev \
	    {NTDB to trunk transition has to end on non-NTDB} \
	    {has a NTDB parent, yet is on the NTDB} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.dbparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.isdefault
	# Find all revisions with a child which disagrees about the
	# line of development they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their primary children have to be in the same LOD} \
	    {and its primary child disagree about their LOD} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.child IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.child = C.rid
		AND   C.lod != R.lod
	# Find all revisions with a non-NTDB child which agrees about
	# the line of development they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {NTDB and trunk revisions have to be in different LODs} \
	    {on NTDB and its non-NTDB child wrongly agree about their LOD} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision C, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.dbchild IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.dbchild = C.rid
		AND   C.lod = R.lod
	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol which is not
	# their LOD.
	CheckRev \
	    {Branch starting revisions have to have their LOD as branch parent symbol} \
	    {at the beginning of its branch does not have the branch symbol as its LOD} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.lod != R.bparent
	# Find all revisions with a branch parent symbol whose parent
	# is in the same line of development.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their branch children have to be in different LODs} \
	    {at the beginning of its branch and its parent wrongly agree about their LOD} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, revision P, file F
		WHERE R.fid = F.fid
		AND   R.bparent IS NOT NULL
		AND   R.parent = P.rid
		AND   R.lod = P.lod

    proc Meta {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent cross-references.

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# Find all revisions which disgree with their meta data about
	# the branch/line of development they belong to.
	CheckRev \
	    {Revisions and their meta data have to be in the same LOD} \
	    {disagrees with its meta data about owning LOD} {
		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, meta M, file F
		WHERE R.mid = M.mid
		AND   R.lod !=
		AND   R.fid = F.fid

    proc RevisionChangesets {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent changeset/revision
	# information.

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# Find all revisions which are not used by at least one
	# changeset.
	CheckRev \
	    {All revisions have to be used by least one changeset} \
	    {is not used by a changeset} {
		-- Unused revisions = All revisions
		--                  - revisions used by revision changesets.
		-- Both sets can be computed easily, and subtracted
                -- from each other. Then we can get the associated
                -- file (name) for display.

		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F
		WHERE R.rid IN (SELECT rid
				FROM revision                -- All revisions
				EXCEPT                       -- subtract
				SELECT CI.iid
				FROM csitem CI, changeset C  -- revisions used
				WHERE C.cid = CI.cid         -- by any revision
				AND C.type = 0)              -- changeset
		AND   R.fid = F.fid              -- get file of unused revision
	# Find all revisions which are used by more than one
	# changeset.
	CheckRev \
	    {All revisions have to be used by at most one changeset} \
	    {is used by multiple changesets} {
		-- Principle of operation: Get all revision/changeset
                -- pairs for all revision changesets, group by
                -- revision to aggregate the changeset, counting
                -- them. From the resulting revision/count table
                -- select those with more than one user, and get their
                -- associated file (name) for display.

		SELECT, R.rev
		FROM revision R, file F,
		     (SELECT CI.iid AS rid, count(CI.cid) AS count
		      FROM csitem CI, changeset C
		      WHERE C.type = 0
		      AND   C.cid = CI.cid
		      GROUP BY CI.iid) AS U
		WHERE U.count > 1
		AND R.rid = U.rid
		AND R.fid = F.fid
	# All revisions have to refer to the same meta information as
	# their changeset.
	CheckRevCS \
	    {All revisions have to agree with their changeset about the used meta information} \
	    {disagrees with its changeset @ about the meta information} {
		SELECT, C.cid,, R.rev
		FROM changeset C, cstype CT, revision R, file F, csitem CI
		WHERE C.type = 0       -- revision changesets only
		AND   C.cid  = CI.cid  -- changeset --> its revisions
		AND   R.rid  = CI.iid  -- look at them
		AND   R.mid != C.src   -- Only those which disagree with changeset about the meta
		AND   R.fid = F.fid    -- get file of the revision
		AND   CT.tid = C.type  -- get changeset type, for labeling
	# All revisions have to agree on the LOD their changeset
	# belongs to. In other words, all revisions in a changeset
	# have to refer to the same line of development.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of revisions in all
	# changesets we generate the distinct set of all LODs
	# referenced by the revisions of a changeset, look for those
	# with cardinality > 1, and get the identifying information
	# for the changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All revisions in a changeset have to belong to the same LOD} \
	    {: Its revisions disagree about the LOD they belong to} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, R.lod AS lod
				       FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, revision R
				       WHERE  CI.iid = R.rid
				       AND    C.cid = CI.cid
				       AND    C.type = 0) AS U
				 GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.lod) > 1)
		AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All revisions have to agree on the project their changeset
	# belongs to. In other words, all revisions in a changeset
	# have to refer to the same project.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of revisions in all
	# changesets we generate the distinct set of all projects
	# referenced by the revisions of a changeset, look for those
	# with cardinality > 1, and get the identifying information
	# for the changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All revisions in a changeset have to belong to the same project} \
	    {: Its revisions disagree about the project they belong to} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, AS pid
				       FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, revision R, file F
				       WHERE  CI.iid = R.rid
				       AND    C.cid = CI.cid
				       AND    C.type = 0
				       AND    F.fid  = R.fid) AS U
				 GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT( > 1)
		AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All revisions in a single changeset have to belong to
	# different files. Conversely: No two revisions of a single
	# file are allowed to be in the same changeset.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of revisions in all
	# changesets we generate the distinct set of all files
	# referenced by the revisions of a changeset, and look for
	# those with cardinality < the cardinality of the set of
	# revisions, and get the identifying information for the
	# changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All revisions in a changeset have to belong to different files} \
	    {: Its revisions share files} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT VV.cid
				 FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
				       FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, R.fid AS fid
					     FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, revision R
					     WHERE  CI.iid = R.rid
					     AND    C.cid = CI.cid
					     AND    C.type = 0
					     ) AS U
				       GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
				      (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
				       FROM   csitem V, changeset X
				       WHERE  X.cid = V.cid
				       AND    X.type = 0
				       GROUP BY V.cid) AS VV
				 WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
				 AND   UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
		AND    T.tid = C.type

    proc TagChangesets {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent changeset/revision
	# information.

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# Find all tags which are not used by at least one changeset.
	CheckTag \
	    {All tags have to be used by least one changeset} \
	    {is not used by a changeset} {
		-- Unused tags = All tags
		--             - revisions used by tag changesets.
		-- Both sets can be computed easily, and subtracted
                -- from each other. Then we can get the associated
                -- file (name) for display.

		FROM project P, tag T, symbol S
		WHERE T.tid IN (SELECT tid                    -- All tags
				FROM   tag
				EXCEPT                        -- subtract
				SELECT CI.iid                 -- tags used
				FROM   csitem CI, changeset C
				WHERE  C.cid = CI.cid         -- by any tag
				AND    C.type = 1)            -- changeset
		AND   S.sid = T.sid               -- get symbol of tag
		AND =               -- get project of symbol
	# Find all tags which are used by more than one changeset.
	CheckRev \
	    {All tags have to be used by at most one changeset} \
	    {is used by multiple changesets} {
		-- Principle of operation: Get all tag/changeset pairs
                -- for all tag changesets, group by tag to aggregate
                -- the changeset, counting them. From the resulting
                -- tag/count table select those with more than one
                -- user, and get their associated file (name) for
                -- display.

		FROM tag T, project P, symbol S,
		     (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, count(CI.cid) AS count
		      FROM csitem CI, changeset C
		      WHERE C.type = 1
		      AND   C.cid = CI.cid
		      GROUP BY CI.iid) AS U
		WHERE U.count > 1
		AND   T.tid = U.iid
		AND   S.sid = T.sid               -- get symbol of tag
		AND =               -- get project of symbol
	if 0 {
	    # This check is disabled for the moment. Apparently tags
	    # can cross lines of development, at least if the involved
	    # LODs are the trunk, and the NTDB. That makes sense, as
	    # the NTDB revisions are initially logically a part of the
	    # trunk. The standard check below however does not capture
	    # this. When I manage to rephrase it to accept this type
	    # of cross-over it will be re-activated.

	    # All tags have to agree on the LOD their changeset
	    # belongs to. In other words, all tags in a changeset have
	    # to refer to the same line of development.
	    # Instead of looking at all pairs of tags in all
	    # changesets we generate the distinct set of all LODs
	    # referenced by the tags of a changeset, look for those
	    # with cardinality > 1, and get the identifying
	    # information for the changesets found thusly.
	    CheckCS \
		{All tags in a changeset have to belong to the same LOD} \
		{: Its tags disagree about the LOD they belong to} {
		    SELECT, C.cid
		    FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		    WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, T.lod AS lod
					   FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, tag T
					   WHERE  CI.iid = T.tid
					   AND    C.cid = CI.cid
					   AND    C.type = 1) AS U
				     GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.lod) > 1)
		    AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All tags have to agree on the project their changeset
	# belongs to. In other words, all tags in a changeset have to
	# refer to the same project.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of tags in all changesets we
	# generate the distinct set of all projects referenced by the
	# tags of a changeset, look for those with cardinality > 1,
	# and get the identifying information for the changesets found
	# thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All tags in a changeset have to belong to the same project} \
	    {: Its tags disagree about the project they belong to} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, AS pid
				       FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, tag T, file F
				       WHERE  CI.iid = T.tid
				       AND    C.cid = CI.cid
				       AND    C.type = 1
				       AND    F.fid  = T.fid) AS U
				 GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT( > 1)
		AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All tags in a single changeset have to belong to different
	# files. Conversely: No two tags of a single file are allowed
	# to be in the same changeset.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of tags in all changesets we
	# generate the distinct set of all files referenced by the
	# tags of a changeset, and look for those with cardinality <
	# the cardinality of the set of tags, and get the identifying
	# information for the changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All tags in a changeset have to belong to different files} \
	    {: Its tags share files} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT VV.cid
				 FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
				       FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, T.fid AS fid
					     FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, tag T
					     WHERE  CI.iid = T.tid
					     AND    C.cid = CI.cid
					     AND    C.type = 1
					     ) AS U
				       GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
				      (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
				       FROM   csitem V, changeset X
				       WHERE  X.cid = V.cid
				       AND    X.type = 1
				       GROUP BY V.cid) AS VV
				 WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
				 AND   UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
		AND    T.tid = C.type

    proc BranchChangesets {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent changeset/revision
	# information.

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# Find all branches which are not used by at least one
	# changeset.
	CheckBranch \
	    {All branches have to be used by least one changeset} \
	    {is not used by a changeset} {
		-- Unused branches = All branches
		--                 - branches used by branch changesets.
		-- Both sets can be computed easily, and subtracted
                -- from each other. Then we can get the associated
                -- file (name) for display.

		FROM project P, branch B, symbol S
		WHERE IN (SELECT bid                    -- All branches
				FROM   branch
				EXCEPT                        -- subtract
				SELECT CI.iid                 -- branches used
				FROM   csitem CI, changeset C
				WHERE  C.cid = CI.cid         -- by any branch
				AND    C.type = 2)            -- changeset
		AND   S.sid = B.sid               -- get symbol of branch
		AND =               -- get project of symbol
	# Find all branches which are used by more than one changeset.
	CheckRev \
	    {All branches have to be used by at most one changeset} \
	    {is used by multiple changesets} {
		-- Principle of operation: Get all branch/changeset
                -- pairs for all branch changesets, group by tag to
                -- aggregate the changeset, counting them. From the
                -- resulting branch/count table select those with more
                -- than one user, and get their associated file (name)
                -- for display.

		FROM branch B, project P, symbol S,
		     (SELECT CI.iid AS iid, count(CI.cid) AS count
		      FROM csitem CI, changeset C
		      WHERE C.type = 2
		      AND   C.cid = CI.cid
		      GROUP BY CI.iid ) AS U
		WHERE U.count > 1
		AND = U.iid
		AND   S.sid = B.sid               -- get symbol of branch
		AND =               -- get project of symbol
	if 0 {
	    # This check has been disabled. When the converter was run
	    # on the Tcl CVS several branches tripped this
	    # constraint. One of them was a free-floating branch, and
	    # its handling has been fixed by now. The others however
	    # seem semi-legitimate, in the sense that they show
	    # inconsistencies in the CVS history the user is not
	    # really able to solve, but it might be possible to simply
	    # ignore them.

	    # For example in Tcl we have a branch X with a prefered
	    # parent Y, except for a single file where the prefered
	    # parent seems to be created after its current parent,
	    # making re-parenting impossible. However we may be able
	    # to ignore this, it should only cause the branch to have
	    # more than one predecessor, and shifting it around in the
	    # commit order. The backend would still use the prefered
	    # parent for the attachment point in fossil.

	    # So, for now I have decided to disable this and press
	    # forward. Of course, if we run into actual trouble we
	    # will have to go back here see what can be done to fix
	    # this. Even if only giving the user the instruction how
	    # to edit the CVS repository to remove the inconsistency.

	    # All branches have to agree on the LOD their changeset
	    # belongs to. In other words, all branches in a changeset
	    # have to refer to the same line of development.
	    # Instead of looking at all pairs of branches in all
	    # changesets we generate the distinct set of all LODs
	    # referenced by the branches of a changeset, look for
	    # those with cardinality > 1, and get the identifying
	    # information for the changesets found thusly.
	    CheckCS \
		{All branches in a changeset have to belong to the same LOD} \
		{: Its branches disagree about the LOD they belong to} {
		    SELECT, C.cid
		    FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		    WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, B.lod AS lod
					   FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, branch B
					   WHERE  CI.iid =
					   AND    C.cid = CI.cid
					   AND    C.type = 2) AS U
				     GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT(U.lod) > 1)
		    AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All branches have to agree on the project their changeset
	# belongs to. In other words, all branches in a changeset have
	# to refer to the same project.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of branches in all
	# changesets we generate the distinct set of all projects
	# referenced by the branches of a changeset, look for those
	# with cardinality > 1, and get the identifying information
	# for the changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All branches in a changeset have to belong to the same project} \
	    {: Its branches disagree about the project they belong to} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT U.cid
				 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, AS pid
				       FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, branch B, file F
				       WHERE  CI.iid =
				       AND    C.cid = CI.cid
				       AND    C.type = 2
				       AND    F.fid  = B.fid) AS U
				 GROUP BY U.cid HAVING COUNT( > 1)
		AND    T.tid = C.type
	# All branches in a single changeset have to belong to
	# different files. Conversely: No two branches of a single
	# file are allowed to be in the same changeset.
	# Instead of looking at all pairs of branches in all
	# changesets we generate the distinct set of all files
	# referenced by the branches of a changeset, and look for
	# those with cardinality < the cardinality of the set of
	# branches, and get the identifying information for the
	# changesets found thusly.
	CheckCS \
	    {All branches in a changeset have to belong to different files} \
	    {: Its branches share files} {
		SELECT, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype T
		WHERE  C.cid IN (SELECT VV.cid
				 FROM (SELECT U.cid as cid, COUNT (U.fid) AS fcount
				       FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CI.cid AS cid, B.fid AS fid
					     FROM   csitem CI, changeset C, branch B
					     WHERE  CI.iid =
					     AND    C.cid = CI.cid
					     AND    C.type = 2
					     ) AS U
				       GROUP BY U.cid) AS UU,
				      (SELECT V.cid AS cid, COUNT (V.iid) AS rcount
				       FROM   csitem V, changeset X
				       WHERE  X.cid = V.cid
				       AND    X.type = 2
				       GROUP BY V.cid) AS VV
				 WHERE VV.cid = UU.cid
				 AND   UU.fcount < VV.rcount)
		AND    T.tid = C.type

    proc ___UnusedChangesetChecks___ {} {
	# This code performs a number of paranoid checks of the
	# database, searching for inconsistent changeset/revision
	# information.

	return ; # Disabled for now, bottlenecks ...

	upvar 1 n n ; # Counter for the checks (we print an id before
		      # the main label).

	# The next two checks are BOTTLENECKS. In essence we are
	# checking each symbol changeset one by one.

	# TODO: Try to rephrase the checks to make more use of
	# indices, set and stream operations.

	# All revisions used by tag symbol changesets have to have the
	# changeset's tag associated with them.
	CheckRevCS \
	    {All revisions used by tag symbol changesets have to have the changeset's tag attached to them} \
	    {does not have the tag of its symbol changeset @ attached to it} {
		SELECT, C.cid,, R.rev
		FROM   changeset C, cstype CT, revision R, file F, csitem CI, tag T
		WHERE  C.type = 1       -- symbol changesets only
		AND    C.src  = T.sid   -- tag only, linked by symbol id 
		AND    C.cid  = CI.cid  -- changeset --> its revisions
		AND    R.rid  = CI.iid  -- look at the revisions
		-- and look for the tag among the attached ones.
		AND    T.sid NOT IN (SELECT TB.sid
				     FROM   tag TB
				     WHERE  TB.rev = R.rid)
		AND    R.fid = F.fid    -- get file of revision

	# All revisions used by branch symbol changesets have to have
	# the changeset's branch associated with them.

	CheckRevCS \
	    {All revisions used by branch symbol changesets have to have the changeset's branch attached to them} \
	    {does not have the branch of its symbol changeset @ attached to it} {
		SELECT, C.cid,, R.rev, C.cid
		FROM   changeset C, cstype CT, revision R, file F, csitem CI, branch B
		WHERE  C.type = 1       -- symbol changesets only
		AND    C.src  = B.sid   -- branches only
		AND    C.cid  = CI.cid  -- changeset --> its revisions
		AND    R.rid  = CI.iid  -- look at the revisions
		-- and look for the branch among the attached ones.
		AND    B.sid NOT IN (SELECT BB.sid
				     FROM   branch BB
				     WHERE  BB.root = R.rid)
		AND    R.fid = F.fid    -- get file of revision

	# The state has to contain at least one tag symbol changeset
	# for all known tags.

	# The state has to contain at least one branch symbol changeset
	# for all known branches.

    proc CheckRev {header label sql} {
	upvar 1 n n
	set ok 1
	foreach {fname revnr} [state run $sql] {
	    set ok 0
	    trouble fatal "${revnr}::$fname $label"
	log write 5 integrity {\[[format %02d [incr n]]\] [expr {$ok ? "Ok    " : "Failed"}] ... $header}

    proc CheckTag {header label sql} {
	upvar 1 n n
	set ok 1
	foreach {pname sname} [state run $sql] {
	    set ok 0
	    trouble fatal "<$pname tag '$sname'> $label"
	log write 5 integrity {\[[format %02d [incr n]]\] [expr {$ok ? "Ok    " : "Failed"}] ... $header}

    proc CheckBranch {header label sql} {
	upvar 1 n n
	set ok 1
	foreach {pname sname} [state run $sql] {
	    set ok 0
	    trouble fatal "<$pname branch '$sname'> $label"
	log write 5 integrity {\[[format %02d [incr n]]\] [expr {$ok ? "Ok    " : "Failed"}] ... $header}

    proc CheckCS {header label sql} {
	upvar 1 n n
	set ok 1
	foreach {ctype cid} [state run $sql] {
	    set ok 0
	    trouble fatal "<$ctype $cid> $label"
	log write 5 integrity {\[[format %02d [incr n]]\] [expr {$ok ? "Ok    " : "Failed"}] ... $header}

    proc CheckRevCS {header label sql} {
	upvar 1 n n
	set ok 1
	foreach {cstype csid fname revnr} [state run $sql] {
	    set ok 0
	    set b "<$cstype $csid>"
	    trouble fatal "$fname <$revnr> [string map [list @ $b] $label]"
	log write 5 integrity {\[[format %02d [incr n]]\] [expr {$ok ? "Ok    " : "Failed"}] ... $header}

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
    ## Configuration

    pragma -hasinstances   no ; # singleton
    pragma -hastypeinfo    no ; # no introspection
    pragma -hastypedestroy no ; # immortal

    # # ## ### ##### ######## #############

namespace eval ::vc::fossil::import::cvs {
    namespace export integrity
    namespace eval integrity {
	namespace import ::vc::fossil::import::cvs::state
	namespace import ::vc::tools::trouble
	namespace import ::vc::tools::log
	log register integrity

# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
## Ready

package provide vc::fossil::import::cvs::integrity 1.0