Artifact 152bdf41973ec4de636bd8b13508e22d01293e0a
part of check-in
- CVS import. First, fixed sig::next regarding two things. One, we have to take the root version of a file into account as a possible predecessor. Two, a missing changed file may be misclassified and actually be added instead. Second, modified the search for a root changeset of a branch. We now try the existing regular intersection first for exactness, and in case of failure we fall back to a voting scheme to locate the most acceptable aka non-conflicting changeset.
aku on
2007-09-27 04:44:19.
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::branch {}
# Trivial storage of all branch data as a rectangular table. We can
# think up a better suited storage system later, when we know what
# type of queries are made to this module.
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::def {f dv deflist} {
upvar 1 $dv date
variable bra
foreach {tag rev} $deflist {
# ignore non-branch tags
if {[llength [split $rev .]] < 4} continue
if 0 {
if { ($rev ne "") && ![string match *.0.2 $rev] } {
# is the base of vendor branches, usually. *.0.y
# is the base of regular branches where nothing is on the
# branch yet, only its root is marked. Everything else is
# noteworthy for now.
puts $f/$rev/$tag
set root [revroot $rev]
lappend bra [list $date($root) $tag $f $rev]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::revroot {rev} {
return [join [lrange [split $rev .] 0 end-2] .]
# ! Files in a branch can appear only after their root revision
# exists. This can be checked against the time of the cset which
# is our base. Branches which have no files yet can be eliminated
# from consideration.
# ! All files noted by the base cset as added/modified have to be
# in the branch root. Branches which do not have such a file can
# be eliminated from consideration.
# ! The versions of the added/modified files in the base have
# match the versions in the branch root. In the sense that they
# have to be equal or sucessors. The later implies identity in the
# upper parts (only the last 2 parts are relevant), and equal
# length.
# This gives us the branch, and, due to the time information a
# signature for the root.
#? Can search for the root based on this signature fail ?
# Yes. Because the signature may contain files which were not
# actually yet in the root, despite being able to. And which were
# not modified by the base, so the check 2 above still passes.
# -> Search for the full signature first, then drop the youngest
# files, search again until match. Check the result against the
# base, that all needed files are present.
# However - Can search for the root based on the cset data (needed
# files). Gives us another set of candidate roots. Intersect!
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::find {csvalue} {
array set cs $csvalue
#variable bra
#puts ___________________________________________
#puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $bra]] \n]
Signatures bd [TimeRelevant $cs(date)]
DropIncomplete bd [concat $cs(added) $cs(changed)]
#puts ___________________________________________
#parray bd
if {[array size bd] < 1} {
puts "NO BRANCH"
# Deal how?
# - Abort
# - Ignore this changeset and try the next one
# (Which has higher probability of not matching as it might
# be the successor in the branch to this cset and not a base).
puts ""
parray cs
} elseif {[array size bd] > 1} {
# While we might have found several tag they may all refer to
# the same set of files. If that is so we consider them
# identical and take one as representative of all.
set su {}
foreach {t s} [array get bd] {
lappend su [DictSort $s]
if {[llength [lsort -unique $su]] > 1} {
puts "AMBIGOUS. The following branches match:"
# Deal how? S.a.
puts \t[join [array names bd] \n\t]
puts ""
parray cs
# Fall through ...
set tg [lindex [array names bd] 0]
set rs [RootOf $bd($tg)]
#puts "BRANCH = $tg"
#puts "ROOTSG = $rs"
return [list $tg $rs]
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::has {ts needed} {
#variable bra
#puts ___________________________________________
#puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $bra]] \n]
Signatures bd [TimeRelevant $ts]
DropIncomplete bd $needed
#puts ___________________________________________
#parray bd
if {[array size bd] < 1} {
puts "NO BRANCH"
# Deal how?
# - Abort
# - Ignore this changeset and try the next one
# (Which has higher probability of not matching as it might
# be the successor in the branch to this cset and not a base).
} elseif {[array size bd] > 1} {
puts "AMBIGOUS. Following branches match:"
# Deal how? S.a.
puts \t[join [array names bd] \n\t]
set tg [lindex [array names bd] 0]
#puts "BRANCH = $tg"
return $tg
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::RootOf {dict} {
set res {}
foreach {f r} $dict {
lappend res $f [revroot $r]
return $res
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::DictSort {dict} {
array set a $dict
set r {}
foreach k [lsort [array names a]] {
lappend r $k $a($k)
return $r
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::DropIncomplete {bv needed} {
upvar 1 $bv bdata
# Check the needed files against the branch signature. If files
# are missing or not of a matching version drop the branch from
# further consideration.
foreach {tag sig} [array get bdata] {
array set rev $sig
foreach {file rv} $needed {
if {![info exists rev($file)] || ![successor $rv $rev($file)]} {
# file in cset is not in the branch or is present, but
# not proper version (different lengths, not matching
# in upper 0..end-2 parts, not equal|successor).
unset bdata($tag)
unset rev
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::successor {ra rb} {
# a successor-of b ?
set la [split $ra .]
set lb [split $rb .]
if {
([llength $la] != [llength $lb]) ||
([lrange $la 0 end-2] ne [lrange $lb 0 end-2]) ||
([package vcompare $ra $rb] < 0)
} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::rootSuccessor {ra rb} {
# a root-successor-of b ? (<=> b root version of a ?)
if {$rb eq [revroot $ra]} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::Signatures {bv deflist} {
upvar 1 $bv bdata
# Sort branch data by symbolic name for the upcoming checks, and
# generate file revision signatures.
array set bdata {}
foreach item $deflist {
# item = timestamp tag file revision
foreach {__ tag file rev} $item break
lappend bdata($tag) $file $rev
#puts ___________________________________________
#parray bdata
proc ::vc::cvs::ws::branch::TimeRelevant {date} {
variable bra
# Retrieve the branch data which definitely comes before (in time)
# the candidate cset. Only this set is relevant to further checks
# and filters.
set res {}
foreach item $bra {
# item = timestamp tag file revision
# 0 1 2 3
if {[package vcompare [lindex $item 0] $date] > 0} continue
lappend res $item
#puts ___________________________________________
#puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $res]] \n]
return $res
namespace eval ::vc::cvs::ws::branch {
variable bra {}
namespace export def find successor rootSuccessor revroot has
package provide vc::cvs::ws::branch 1.0
# Queries ...
# - Get set of files and revs for branch B which can be in it by the time T
# - Check if a file referenced a/m instruction is in a set of files
# and revision, identical or proper sucessor.
# => Combination
# Can branch B match the cset file a/m at time T ?
# => Full combination
# Give me the list of branches which can match the cset file a/m
# at time T.
# Branch DB organization => (Tag -> (Time -> (File -> Rev)))
# The full combination actually does not need a complex structure.
# We can simply scan a plain list of branch data.
# The only alternative is an inverted index.
# Time -> ((File -> Rev) -> Tag). Difficult to process.
# Linear scan:
# - Time after T => drop
# - File !in a/m => drop
# - Version !match => drop
# -- Collect tag
# Then lsort -unique for our result.
# NO - The file check is inverted - All files have to be in a/m for the base, not a/m in files
# == - This also breaks the issue for same-branch detection -
# future csets in the branch do not have that property.
puts ___________________________________________
# Show only branch data which definitely comes before the
# candidate cset
array set n [concat $cs(added) $cs(changed)]
set xx {}
set bb {}
::foreach x $bra {
::foreach {ts tag f r} $x break
if {[package vcompare $ts $cs(date)] > 0} continue
if {![info exists n($f)]} continue
if {
([llength [split $n($f) .]] != [llength [split $r .]]) ||
([lrange [split $n($f) .] 0 end-2] ne [lrange [split $r .] 0 end-2]) ||
([package vcompare $n($f) $r] < 0)
} continue
lappend xx $x
lappend bb $tag
puts [join [lsort -index 0 [lsort -index 1 $xx]] \n]
puts [join [lsort -unique $bb] \n]