Check-in [799e26e2cc]
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SHA1 Hash:799e26e2ccc05360588a15154f2a645e3a30605e
Date: 2011-04-19 01:26:51
User: btheado
Comment:Fixed bug where insertion of text into a multi-line node would cause the cursor to jump to a different line
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Changes to lib/outlinewidget/treedisplay.tcl

@@ -257,11 +257,22 @@
 # to the tree is tagged with "modified"
 proc markModifiedText {tree win idx args} {
     # Remove the underscore from the window name
     set win [string range [namespace tail $win] 1 end]
     if {[isIdxInNodeText $win $idx]} {
-        $win tag add modified "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"
+        # This commented out line contributed to a bug where the insertion
+        # cursor would jump backwards by at least one line whenever text
+        # was typed into the second or later line in a multi-line node (i.e. a
+        # node with linefeed embedded).  The intention is to mark the whole
+        # node as modified, but it uses a bad assumption that a node does not
+        # span across multiple lines.  Bug reported by Robert Abitbol
+        #$win tag add modified "$idx linestart" "$idx lineend"
+        # Here is better code which adds the 'modified' tag to the entire node
+        set node [listitem::itemAtIdx $win $idx]
+        $win tag add modified [listitem::index $win $node.first] \
+            [listitem::index $win $node.last]
         after idle [namespace code [list saveChangedTextToTree $win $tree]]
 proc watchForModifiedText {win tree} {
     replaceCallback $win before insert "[namespace current]::markModifiedText $tree"
@@ -430,33 +441,35 @@
     set margin2 [expr $margin1 + [font measure [option get $win bulletFont Text] "[option get $win indentString Text] "]]
     $win tag configure item:$node -lmargin1 $margin1
     $win tag configure item:$node -lmargin2 $margin2
 # Returns the node the given index is on and the number of characters
 # within that node's text the index is offset.  It also returns
 # a boolean indicating whether or not the given index is currently
-# visible
+# visible.
 proc getCursorInfo {win index} {
-   set node [listitem::itemAtIdx $win $index]
-   if {[string length $node] > 0} {
-       scan [$win index $index] %d.%d line insertChar
-       scan [$win index [getNodeTextStartIdx $win $node]] %d.%d line startChar
-       set offset [expr $insertChar - $startChar]
-   } else {
+    set node [listitem::itemAtIdx $win $index]
+    if {[string length $node] > 0} {
+        scan [$win index $index] %d.%d insertLine insertChar
+        scan [$win index "[getNodeTextStartIdx $win $node] linestart"] %d.%d startLine startChar
+        set offset [list \
+            [expr $insertLine - $startLine] \
+            [expr $insertChar - $startChar]]
+    } else {
         set offset ""
-   }
-   set isCursorVisible [expr [llength [$win bbox $index]] > 0]
-   return [list $node $offset $isCursorVisible]
+    }
+    set isCursorVisible [expr [llength [$win bbox $index]] > 0]
+    return [list $node $offset $isCursorVisible]
 proc restoreInsertionCursor {win cursorInfo} {
     set node [lindex $cursorInfo 0]
-    set offset [lindex $cursorInfo 1]
+    set lineOffset [lindex $cursorInfo 1 0]
+    set charOffset [lindex $cursorInfo 1 1]
     set wasCursorVisible [lindex $cursorInfo 2]
     if {[listitem::exists $win $node]} {
-        $win mark set insert [getNodeTextStartIdx $win $node]+${offset}c
+        $win mark set insert "[getNodeTextStartIdx $win $node] linestart +${lineOffset}l+${charOffset}c"
     if {$wasCursorVisible} {
         $win see insert