Check-in [97b4405ecf]
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SHA1 Hash:97b4405ecf7ef61e838044ffa5ea5a6754a3d20e
Date: 2007-11-25 07:35:30
User: aku
Comment:Extended cycle breaker with debug facility allowing the user to watch the neighbourhood of specific changesets during the traversal. Extended label information, highlighting of the nodes of interest. Tweaked log output a bit.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[show diffs]

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_cyclebreaker.tcl from [20cdcc5766] to [bc82f06795].    [diff]

Modified tools/cvs2fossil/lib/c2f_option.tcl from [5b894a43fc] to [36ee7e3cab].    [diff]