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Changes to ticket 874d5360fc

By kejoki on 2008-11-10 18:53:42. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Change comment to "Steps: * downloaded fossil-linux-x86-d8ceb4ad47.zip , unzipped in <code>/usr/local/bin</code> * <code>$ fossil clone http://kkinnell@www.fossil-scm.org ~/repos/Fossil.fsl</code> * <code>$ cd ~/fossil</code> * <code>$ fossil open ~/repos/Fossil.fsl</code> The response from this is <code>fossil: near "(": syntax error</code> Looks like a parser error to <i>me</i>. ;) This was all on a fossil-clean machine, it had no previous version or any repos. For what it's worth, it's an AMD-64x2 (Turion), but I doubt that matters. GNU/Linux, Kubuntu Hardy distro (32 bit). Tried rebuilding the repo, no joy.<br> <code> kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ cp Fossil.c6a9.fsl Fossil-d8ce.fsl<br> kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ fossil-d8ceb4ad47 rebu Fossil-d8ce.fsl<br> 3771 (100%)...<br> kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ cd ..<br> kejoki@dadhp:~$ mkdir foss2<br> kejoki@dadhp:~$ cd foss2<br> kejoki@dadhp:~/foss2$ fossil-d8ceb4ad47 open ~/repos/Fossil-d8ce.fsl<br> fossil-d8ceb4ad47: near "(": syntax error<br> </code> Time to go digging. The code that produces the error message is in the <code>expr.c</code> chunk in the sqlite3 amalgam. The function is <code>sqlite3RegisterExpr</code>. Pretty clearly won't have time to gdb this until later."