Ticket Change Details
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Changes to ticket bfb8427cdd

By anonymous on 2009-10-10 09:13:42. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Appended to comment:

      anonymous claiming to be Dmitry Chestnykh added on 2009-10-10 09:13:42:
      There's no error reporting at all even for wrong URLs. I mistakenly used a wrong URL (.com instead of .org) for my server to clone/push/pull/sync and was wondering why it doesn't sync.

      Here's an example session:

      ~ $ fossil clone http://example.com/404/ test
                      Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
      Send:             597         24          0          0
      Received:           0          0          0          0
      Total network traffic: 447 bytes sent, 463 bytes received
      Rebuilding repository meta-data...
      0 (0%)...
      project-id: (null)
      server-id:  a3f3933d58f406f54a82902fb5b57b1e8d24a9af
      admin-user: dmitry (password is "a666f9")

      ~ $ fossil open test

      ~ $ fossil sync http://example.com/NOTHING/ Bytes Cards Artifacts Deltas Send: 137 2 0 0 Received: 0 2 0 0 Total network traffic: 303 bytes sent, 467 bytes received

    2. Change foundin to "[0eb08b860c], [37f295c310]"
    3. Change resolution to "Open"
    4. Change severity to "Severe"