Ticket Change Details
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Changes to ticket 045f23be75

By anonymous on 2009-07-24 08:25:14. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Appended to comment:

      anonymous added on 2009-07-24 08:25:14:
      Hmmmm, the bug2.sh script works as expected if "fossil pull" has the full path to clone.fsl:

      jgm@centos fossil$ diff bug2.sh bug2fixed.sh
      < fossil pull file://clone.fsl -R golden.fsl
      > fossil pull file://$PWD/clone.fsl -R golden.fsl

      And this little test script shows last-sync-url is set differently by "fossil pull" vs. "fossil clone":

      cat > pulltest.sh <<EOF
      echo 888888888888888888888888888 cleanup/create test dir
      rm -rf testsync
      mkdir -p testsync/co
      cd testsync
      echo 888888888888888888888888888 creating golden.fsl
      fossil new golden.fsl
      echo   888888888888888888888888888 cloning to clone.fsl
      fossil clone file://golden.fsl clone.fsl
      echo   888888888888888888888888888   results in clone.fsl last-sync-url =
      sqlite3 clone.fsl "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'last-sync-url'"
      echo   888888888888888888888888888 pull clone.fsl from testsync dir
      fossil pull file://clone.fsl -R golden.fsl
      echo   888888888888888888888888888   results in golden.fsl last-sync-url =
      sqlite3 golden.fsl "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'last-sync-url'"
      echo   888888888888888888888888888 pull clone.fsl from testsync/co dir
      cd co
      fossil pull file://../clone.fsl -R ../golden.fsl
      cd ..
      echo   888888888888888888888888888   results in last-sync-url =
      sqlite3 golden.fsl "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = 'last-sync-url'"

      Here's the output:

      jgm@centos fossil$ ./pulltest.sh
      888888888888888888888888888 cleanup/create test dir
      888888888888888888888888888 creating golden.fsl
      project-id: 9dbf292e1429855cd81bad75ee792e8457acc8a7
      server-id:  ea887f7d879acfe81ac307418c554250e377d4ae
      admin-user: jgm (initial password is "2b5812")
      888888888888888888888888888 cloning to clone.fsl
      Repository cloned into clone.fsl
      Rebuilding repository meta-data...
      1 (100%)...
      project-id: 9dbf292e1429855cd81bad75ee792e8457acc8a7
      server-id:  5bd16395fde4ff4b511db581ae541313f7cc93ef
      admin-user: jgm (password is "2b5812")
      888888888888888888888888888 results in clone.fsl last-sync-url =
      888888888888888888888888888 pull clone.fsl from testsync dir
                      Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
      Send:             130          1          0          0
      Received:          46          2          0          0
      888888888888888888888888888 results in golden.fsl last-sync-url =
      888888888888888888888888888 pull clone.fsl from testsync/co dir
                      Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
      Send:             130          1          0          0
      Received:          46          2          0          0
      888888888888888888888888888 results in golden.fsl last-sync-url =

      Changing "fossil pull/sync/push" to set last-sync-url to the full file path just like "fossil clone" would seem to fix this problem.