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Ticket UUID: d7f66dfbd063afb162c15470f1777951e2498367
Title: Support Syntax highlighting as described in Cookbook
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2009-01-29 20:08:06
Version Found In:
Description & Comments:
I described a way to support syntax highlighting on the Cookbook wiki page. In fact there are to possible ways to do it:
  1. use a Javascript library
  2. pipe the content through a filter before sending it to the browser

1. This requires only little effort for fossil. The syntax highlighting requires only special attributes in the <pre> tag. For this to work a table with assignments of file extensions to file types could be included into fossil so the assignment would be configurable. If the syntax highlighting is wished by the user she can easily add it herself. One drawback is that the google Syntax Highlighter does not support many languages. However this could be added.

2. Piping the contents of a file through a filter has the advantage that not only syntax highlighting could be done this way but also other things like indenting or some other prepocessing. But maybe it would be necessary to pass arguments to the filter based on file types. As such a table similar as described in 1. would be needed to make this configurable.