Ticket Change Details
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Changes to ticket aba72eaa58

By anonymous on 2009-10-11 19:01:32. See also: artifact content, and ticket history

    1. Change comment to "Default CSS style has font family defined as follows: <code>font-family: "sans serif";</code> While "sans serif" is an actual name of font in some Linux installations, this doesn't work for e.g. Safari on Mac -- it falls back to the default serif font (Times New Roman). The proper way to define a generic sans-serif font in CSS, according to CSS specs [http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#sans-serif-def] is this: <code>font-family: sans-serif;</code> Note the dash and absence of quotes (from specs: <i>Generic font family names are keywords and must NOT be quoted</i>)."
    2. Change foundin to "b99aa66d1f"
    3. Change private_contact to "05f652db744266759b20d248ec2f451629420388"
    4. Change severity to "Cosmetic"
    5. Change status to "Open"
    6. Change title to "Default CSS style has "wrong" font-family."
    7. Change type to "Feature_Request"