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Ticket UUID: c24e486b0530b644d0ceb07c3627d773b61a6064
Title: Provide access to the remote server URL
Status: Fixed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2009-08-01 14:24:40
Version Found In: 16eae22891
Description & Comments:
From fossil help pull:
The URL of the remote server is specified on the command line. If no URL is specified then the URL used by the most recent "pull", "push", or "sync" command is used.

This also affects auto-sync. But there is no way to see the recorded URL without resorting to sqlite access...

sqlite> select value from config where name = 'last-sync-url';

DRH on mailing list:

Why not just add a line of output to "info"?
Be careful, though. The query shown by Kees is not sufficient. The URL stored in the database might contain a username and password. The "sync" command is careful to strip those off before displaying the URL. If added to the "info" command, it should likewise hide at least the password.

DRH also suggested reasons to have a separate command: so that you can change or remove the default remote-host

fossil remote-url # Display the currently saved URL (suppressing the password, of course)
fossil remote-url URL # Change the currently saved URL without doing a sync, push, or pull
fossil remote-url off # Remove the currently saved URL

Stephan asked: would it make sense to tie it in as a new setting? e.g.

fossil set remote-url # show
fossil set remote-url URL # set
fossil unset remote-url # remove

drh added on 2009-08-01 14:24:40:
See check-in a2cbedcb1fee87decc21be2f74e65fa887a66e87