Check-in [ac3f1f2ba7]
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SHA1 Hash:ac3f1f2ba755061a7a205bc8a91c9adc757791ee
Date: 2008-10-18 02:27:13
User: drh
Comment:Improvements to how ticket changes are displayed in the UI. The hyperlink is show with strick-through if the ticket is closed. The title is shown after the ticket hyperlink. SQL to determine the closed condition and the title can be set in the ticket setup screens.
Timelines: ancestors | descendants | both | trunk
Other Links: files | ZIP archive | manifest

Tags And Properties
[show diffs]

Modified src/configure.c from [b4f6a922b2] to [2cb2adc7b4].    [diff]

Modified src/manifest.c from [5e75594729] to [053fee443e].    [diff]

Modified src/setup.c from [9a76b5ae3a] to [1f3b727596].    [diff]

Modified src/tktsetup.c from [5326eea0e1] to [cc6def603d].    [diff]

Modified src/wikiformat.c from [850d2b880e] to [ef5196ba6c].    [diff]