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Ticket UUID: 9acc77815aa28410f06bd3b52b3f8e8b00f53924
Title: What is the meaning of ?VALUE? in tag add and tag branch?
Status: Closed Type: Documentation
Severity: Minor Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: one Resolution: Not_A_Bug
Last Modified: 2008-07-25 11:59:40
Version Found In: 4b56350ecb
Description & Comments:
If I perform a
  fossil help tag
there is a ?VALUE? mentioned at the description of tag add and tag branch. But what is the purpose of ?VALUE?? It seem to be a free format value. Its only purpose seem to be that I may query it via tag list UUID, is this correct?

drh added on 2008-07-25 11:59:40:
This is a legitimate question, but a question for the mailing list, I think, not for a ticket. If there were a misstatement of fact issued by the "help" command, that would justify a ticket. But the "help" command is not intended to provide a tutorial. The "help" command is not intended to explain things down to the last detail. The "help" command should only give a high-level summary of what a command does.

One could easily argument that there needs to be additional documentation of the "tag" command. I agree. But the additional documentation belongs on the website - separate from the primary fossil executable, I believe.

Please continue follow-up discussion on the mailing list.