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Ticket UUID: 874d5360fc0926006271fd37ef74238800057640
Title: Opening a repository gives a runtime error.
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Critical Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2008-11-10 21:13:49
Version Found In: d8ceb4ad47
Description & Comments:
  • downloaded , unzipped in /usr/local/bin
  • $ fossil clone ~/repos/Fossil.fsl
  • $ cd ~/fossil
  • $ fossil open ~/repos/Fossil.fsl

The response from this is

fossil: near "(": syntax error

Looks like a parser error to me. ;)

This was all on a fossil-clean machine, it had no previous version or any repos. For what it's worth, it's an AMD-64x2 (Turion), but I doubt that matters. GNU/Linux, Kubuntu Hardy distro (32 bit).

Tried rebuilding the repo, no joy.
kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ cp Fossil.c6a9.fsl Fossil-d8ce.fsl
kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ fossil-d8ceb4ad47 rebu Fossil-d8ce.fsl
3771 (100%)...
kejoki@dadhp:~/repos$ cd ..
kejoki@dadhp:~$ mkdir foss2
kejoki@dadhp:~$ cd foss2
kejoki@dadhp:~/foss2$ fossil-d8ceb4ad47 open ~/repos/Fossil-d8ce.fsl
fossil-d8ceb4ad47: near "(": syntax error

Time to go digging.

The code that produces the error message is in the expr.c chunk in the sqlite3 amalgam. The function is sqlite3RegisterExpr.

Pretty clearly won't have time to gdb this until later.

eric added on 2008-11-10 19:33:07:
This also happens with my newly-built 9fd8009007 (Linux-from-scratch 6.1), and also opening a brand-new repository.

drh added on 2008-11-10 21:13:49:
Fixed by check-in c66ffba6da.