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Ticket UUID: 7d997b447fbea2a83d051127f5974f35d3e0c0fb
Title: push/pull with the local directory
Status: Closed Type: Documentation
Severity: Important Priority: Zero
Subsystem: one Resolution: Works_As_Designed
Last Modified: 2008-12-09 16:21:55
Version Found In:
Description & Comments:
I had a remote repository at the flash-card. So when I clone it to the local repository command looks like this "fossil clone /media/sdb1/work/repo repo.fossil". And it works fine. But when I tried to pull changes from the remote repository with the command "fossil pull /media/sdb1/work/repo" fossil wrote "fossil: network sync only" and do nothing. Thank you

P.S. i can't find how to edit opened "Feature_Request" ticket

drh added on 2008-10-18 13:26:28:
Your workaround, of course, is to start a server on the flash repository:

fossil server /media/sdb1/work/repo &
fossil pull http://localhost:8080/ -R ./repo.fossil
killall fossil

kkinnell added on 2008-12-09 16:16:36:
The 'workaround' is the solution; fossil pushes and pulls from a server; the operations don't make sense in a file-system context.