Changes to ticket cc6557cfc5
By drh on 2008-11-14 14:11:41. See also: artifact content, and ticket history
- Appended to comment:
drh added on 2008-11-14 14:11:41:
Please provide more detail.You say fossil "can't use unicode character in many places" but you do not specify what places. Petr Struc got fossil working for Czech as part of ticket
30f7206b2. Are you saying that his changes missed some places and that addtional changes are needed? What exactly is not working.Recognize that the main developers of fossil run on unix (Linux and Mac OSX) where everything is always UTF8 all the time. We never have to deal with goofy windows character sets and have no way discovering or testing for character set problems on windows. Everything just works for us. If you want us to work on this issue, you need to give us more hints.
- Change resolution to "Open"