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Ticket UUID: 6445480b9bd255a823f05ea18960a37a2e21a9cc
Title: fossil branches - unknown command
Status: Fixed Type: Documentation
Severity: Cosmetic Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2009-09-19 14:43:52
Version Found In: eb1db585a5
Description & Comments:
the quick start guide describes the command 'fossil branches' but it is an unknown command. perhaps 'fossil branch list' was intended? see checkin da4363308c.
PS C:\fossil\fossil> fossil branches
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fossil.exe: unknown command: branches
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fossil.exe: use "help" for more information
PS C:\fossil\fossil> fossil branch list
=== 2009-05-08 ===
09:52:38 [ecd1f09632] Initial commit of Creole Wiki Parser extension. (user:
         robert tags: creole)
=== 2009-04-27 ===
08:43:38 [47cc9dfec8] Experimental - Pass < !-- --> comments through the wiki
         unchanged unless inside a < verbatim > block in which case it is
14:09:59 [a28c83647d] initial empty baseline (user: drh tags: trunk)
PS C:\fossil\fossil> fossil ver
This is fossil version [eb1db585a5] 2009-09-14 16:56:29 UTC
PS C:\fossil\fossil>

drh added on 2009-09-19 14:43:52:
Fixed the Quick Start document in check-in 849972ea0b9d2